The Way Forward

05:25 PM - November 9th, 2006

Tuesday was a rough night for us all.  For one, I'm "up off the canvas" and encouraging conservatives to take a deep breath, and then get back to work.  I know you well enough to know that you are doing the same.

In the midst of this national “wave” of voter anger, Tennessee was a breakwater against the tide.  In Tennessee, our Republican party succeeded in electing Bob Corker to the Senate because he was the genuine article: A conservative Tennessean, a family man, successful businessman and a man of principles.  The campaign message we carried across the state was crystal clear and stuck to our conservative principles.  As our Republican Party thinks about a way forward, taking a closer look at the success in Tennessee would be helpful.

Being a physician and scientist, I can’t help but want to analyze the details of these national election results.  I’ve only started that process, but at first glance, the one glaring data point is the need for a clearly defined strategy in Iraq.  The President took an important step forward yesterday when he replaced Defense Secretary Rumsfeld with former CIA Director and Baker Commission member Dr. Robert Gates.  I am confident Dr. Gates will bring a needed, fresh perspective to the situation on the ground there and help develop a clearly defined strategy for moving forward.

Iraq was not the only deciding factor on Tuesday- compounding factors were the DeLay Scandal, the Foley scandal, the Libby Leak and Hurricane Katrina.

The accomplishments of the 109th Congress simply could not break through and we were not able to communicate clearly the principles for which we stand: smaller federal government, fiscal discipline, lower taxes and a strong and vigorous national defense.

These conservative principles are the foundation of our Party and it’s on that foundation that we must rebuild and move forward.  Every success we have had over these last 2 years stems from these core beliefs.  Working together President Bush and Republicans did accomplish a great deal these last two years. Don’t let anyone tell you differently.

Two exceptional Supreme Court justices.  Tax relief to grow our economy and shrink unemployment to new lows.  700 miles of real fencing along our southwest border.  A reauthorized Patriot Act. Sweeping reform of our broken legal system.  Terrorist tribunals to convict and punish the perpetrators of 9/11.

Today, the Democrat leadership is pledging to work in a bipartisan way with President Bush and Republicans.  I’d love to believe them, but my guess is that their actions over the past years speak louder than their words of today.  I will be watching and I know you will be also.

If Democrats had set aside partisanship, we could have worked together to pass an amendment protecting the American flag ... pass the Child Custody Protection Act ... confirm additional Circuit Court Judges ... confirm John Bolton ... repeal the unfair Death tax ... enact badly needed medical malpractice reform, make the tax cuts permanent, and the list goes on.

As we put together our game plan for the days and weeks ahead, I will need your input.  First, I would like you to let me know the three most important issues Republicans should address by leaving a comment on this blog post.

Very soon, I will also send you a detailed survey which I ask that you complete.  Your answers to this survey are important and I promise to share your insights with my Republican colleagues.  Republicans at every level of government need to reconnect with voters and we need to listen.  So please share your thoughts on my blog today and when I send you the survey I ask that you also take the time to complete it.

Today is a new day, and conservatives need to rally the troops and re-engage with a hopeful and optimistic vision for the future.   The Democrats and the media will ride this “wave” as long as we let them and I, for one, think this “wave” ought to be held to a “ripple.”

Written by Bill Frist, M.D.