Biden for President, Inc.

30-second ad first run in IA  during the ABC debate on Aug. 19, 2007.

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Biden to camera: It was my fourth trip to Iraq.  We were leaving Baghdad and it was pitch black.

As I climbed into the C-130, strapped into the middle of that cargo bay was a flag-draped coffin.  It turned that cargo bay into a cathedral, and all I could think of was the parents waiting at the other end.

We must end this war in a way that doesn't require us to send their grandchild back.

I'm Joe Biden, and I approve this message.


Notes: "Cathedral" features Biden talking directly to the camera about Iraq.  What looks like a corn field is behind him.  The bright, sunny day and the sound of birds chirping in the background contrasts with his somber message.

From the press release:

In “Cathedral”, Sen. Biden recounts a story from one of his seven trips to Iraq, during which he found himself on a C-130 transport plane with a flag-draped coffin. Sen. Biden describes the sacred commitment he felt to our troops during that moment. That moment manifested itself in Sen. Biden’s successful effort in Congress earlier this year to secure funding for new mine resistant vehicles for our troops in Iraq.