Hillary Clinton for President

30-second ad run in Iowa on Caucus eve, Jan. 2, 2008. 

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[Music] Clinton: Thank you Iowa for welcoming me into your homes and your hearts.

When you go to caucus, I hope you'll ask yourself one question: who's ready to be president on day one, to fix the economy, to end the war, to give health care to all.

The goals are big and the stakes are huge.

We're not just changing presidents, we're changing our country.

I hope you'll caucus for me.

If you stand with with me, I'll stand up for you every day as president, and I will be ready to start on day one.

I'm Hillary Clinton and I approved this message. 


Notes: This ad, seen on KCCI's 10 p.m. newscast, was done in the same shoot as the 2-minute closing ad "Crossroads."