Hillary Clinton for President

"Can Do"
30-second ad run Feb. 5 states, Jan. 31, 2008.

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[Music] Clinton (voiceover and to camera): Americans still have that can-do spirit.

We know you can't solve economic problems with political promises.

The stakes are too high, the future too important.

We can turn our economy around and build a new age of prosperity.

I will bring more than my 35 years of experience to the White House.

I will bring your voice... and your spirit.

We are Americans, and together there's no problem we can't solve...

I'm Hillary Clinton and I approve this message because the stakes have never been higher.

Notes: Lots of imagery:
1. Veterans marching in a parade; American flag prominently up front.
2. Construction worker welding or cutting a beam.
3. Boy shooting a basketball, sun setting in the background.
4. Mom washing baby in the kitchen sink.
5. Foreclosure sign.
6. Senior couple seated.
7. Clinton to camera.
8. Worker amid large rolls in a warehouse.  "The Clinton Plan: jumpstart America's economy"
9. Woman looking at a computer monitor.       "
10. Construction worker moving amid beams.  "Create millions of new jobs"
11. Two construction workers.       "
12. Clinton talking with man in yellow jacket.  "Immediate tax cuts for the middle class"
13. Clinton walking with man in cowboy hat.      "
14. Clinton speaking, many people in the crowd behind her.  "Freeze foreclosures and mortgage rates"
15. Crowd shot, people waving signs.
16. Clinton to camera.
17. Blue field and white stars from American flag, drop and zoom out to show kids holding the flag.
18. Clinton to camera.  "Solutions for America"
19. Clinton interacting with kids, add logo, text, disclaimer.