Hillary Clinton for President

30-second ad run in PA starting April 20, 2008.

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[Light and Airy Music] Clinton (voiceover): I'm Hillary Clinton and I approve this message.

Male Announcer: He couldn't answer tough questions in the debate.  So Barack Obama is making false charges against Hillary's health care plan.  She has a plan everyone can afford.  Obama's will cost taxpayers $1,700 more to cover each new person.  Hillary's plan covers everyone.  Obama's leaves 15 million people out.

Obama's attacks have been called "destructive and poisoning."

There are more and more questions about Barack Obama.

Instead of attacking, maybe he should answer them.


Notes: Response to the Obama ad "Afford" (April 19).

From the press release:

In response to the Obama campaign continuing to mislead Pennsylvania voters with their negative ad on Hillary’s health care plan, the Clinton campaign today unveiled a new TV ad to set the record straight. The ad, “Answer,” is 30 seconds long and will run statewide.

National Chair of Doctors for Hillary Irwin Redlener and Temple University Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine Dr. David Wald helped unveil the ad today on a conference call, denouncing Senator Obama’s negative ad.

“Senator Obama has once again used a negative and misleading ad about Senator Clinton’s healthcare plan that has been debunked as false repeatedly,” said Dr. Redlener. “As someone who sees the challenges of our healthcare system everyday, we need leadership and action, not negative attacks and empty rhetoric.”