Hillary Clinton for President

"Nuestra Candidata"
60 sec. Spanish language ad run in IA starting weekend of Dec. 12, 2007. 

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Locutor:  Los caucuses de Iowa son cruciales en elección presidencial de Estados Unidos. 

Los latinos de Iowa podemos definir le resultado.  Este elección se trata [???missing word] nuestro propio futuro.

Millones no podemos pagar el seguro medico.  Nuestros hijos abandonan la escuela en una alta proporcion.  Cientos de miles de familias corren el riesgo de perder sus hogares por la crisis de las hipotecas. 

Tenemos que elegir un presidente que resuelva estos problemas.  Es por esto que apoyamos a Hillary Clinton. 

Ella quiere que todos tengamos acceso al seguro medico. 

Durante los ultimos 35 años Hillary ha luchado por mejorar la educacion de nuestros niños.  Y como Bill Clinton, Hillary apoyará políticas económicas para crear millones de nuevos empleos.

El 3 de enero, participa en tu caucus de Iowa y apoya a Hillary Clinton. 

Clinton: I’m Hillary Clinton, candidate for president and I approved this message.

Male Announcer:  Paid for by Hillary Clinton for President.

[Music: "Hail to the Chief"] Male Announcer: The Iowa caucuses are crucial in the United States presidential election. 

[Mariachi Music] Latinos in Iowa could decide its final outcome. 

This election is about defining our own future.

Millions cannot afford health insurance. Our children drop out of school in high numbers. 

Hundreds of thousands of families are at risk of losing their homes because of the mortgage crisis. 

We need to elect a president that will solve these problems.

That is why we support Hillary Clinton. 

She wants all of us to have access to health insurance.

For the past 35 years, Hillary has been fighting for a quality education for our children.

And like Bill Clinton did, Hillary will support economic policies that will create millions of new jobs. 

On January 3rd caucus in Iowa and support Hillary Clinton. 

Clinton: I’m Hillary Clinton, candidate for president and I approved this message.

Male Announcer:  Paid for by Hillary Clinton for President.