Obama for America

Lee Hamilton ad
60-second ad run in IN starting approx. April 18, 2008.

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[Music] Male Announcer:  A special message from Indiana’s own congressman, Lee Hamilton.  

Hamilton: I’ve been in politics a long time, and right now the partisanship is the worst I’ve ever seen.  We need a president who can unite Democrats, Republicans and Independents to solve decades-old problems.  That’s why I’m proud to endorse Barack Obama.     

He understands what Indiana families are going through.  Gas prices skyrocketing, health care costs out of reach.  But nothing will change until we change Washington.  Barack Obama doesn’t take any money from PACs or Washington lobbyists.  He says what he means and means what he says.  

As co-chair of the 9-11 commission, I know Barack Obama has the judgment and strength to keep us safe.  As commander-in-chief he will restore our security and standing in the world and keep our commitment to our veterans.  

This is Lee Hamilton.  Barack Obama is the best choice for Indiana…and America.     

Obama:  I’m Barack Obama and I approved this message.  

Announcer: Paid for by Obama for America.