Obama for America

"Next Door"
30-second run in IN starting week of April 29, 2008.  

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Obama: All across Indiana and my home state next door, folks know we desperately need change – gas near $4 dollars, jobs leaving, health care you can’t afford.

But the truth is, to fix these things, we’ve got to do more than change parties in the White House, we’ve got to change Washington – stop the bickering, take on the lobbyists and finally start solving problems instead of just talking about them.

Some people say we can’t change Washington.

 I’m Barack Obama and I approved this message to say on Tuesday, Indiana, you can.

Notes: This ad is quite different from other Obama ads; it looks more like a John Edwards ad.  Obama, on a main street in the town of Jeffersonville, Indiana, walks towards the camera.  No music soundtrack; there is (presumably) ambient sound of birds chirping.