Obama for America

Ad run in NC announced May 5, 2008.  

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Male Announcer:  A war that should never have been waged.  An economy in turmoil.  Record prices at the pump.  America held hostage to foreign oil.

And what does Hillary Clinton offer us? 

More of the same old negative politics.

Her hometown newspaper says she's taking the low road - her attacks do nothing but harm. 

The same old Washington politics won't fix our problems. 

We need honest answers... And a president we can trust.

Obama: I'm Barack Obama and I approve this message.

Notes: According to the press release:

In response to the latest Clinton attack ad, today the Obama campaign released a new 30-second TV spot, “Hometown.”  The Obama ad calls for honest answers to the challenges facing the country rather than more of the same negative attacks that even Senator Clinton’s hometown paper characterizes as the “low road,” and that “do nothing but harm.”