Obama for America

Rep. Ben Chandler ad
60-second ad run in KY in advance of the May 20, 2008 primary. 

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[Music] Obama: I'm Barack Obama, and I approved this message.

Ben Chandler: Hi.  This is Congressman Ben Chandler.  Here in Kentucky strong values are passed from one generation to the next, values Barack Obama shares. 

Barack's story is an American story.  Raised by a single mom and his grandparents from Kansas.  His grandfather served in Patton's army.  His grandmother worked in a bomber factory.  They didn't have much money, but they gave Barack a thirst for education, an abiding love for America, and a belief that we all have a stake in each other. 

A Christian, Barack's first job was with churches, helping communities left behind when local plants closed. 

And Barack Obama's commitment to workers is just as strong today.  His economic plan ends tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas and gives middle class families a thousand dollar tax cut. 

This is Ben Chandler.  If you're ready for a president we can trust and change we can believe in, vote for Barack Obama.

Paid for by Obama for America.