Obama for America

60-second ad run in OR in advance of the May 20, 2008 primary. 

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Obama: I'm Barack Obama, and I approved this message.

[Music]  Female Announcer: Maybe it's because you want to end a war.

Male: Obama was against the war in Iraq from the beginning.

Female Announcer: Maybe it's because he gets where we're coming from.

Male: Obama's the candidate for our generation.

Female Announcer: Or because you're looking for someone who will do what's right instead of play political games.

Female: Barack Obama just has an ability to bring people together.

Female Announcer: So Barack Obama's the answer, but here's the question.  Are you going to step up?  The change we need begins with you.  Vote for Barack Obama in the Democratic primary.  To participate you must register as a Democrat by April 29th.   Call 866-875-2008 or visit to learn how.  Our generation is making the difference.  Now it's your turn.  Because Barack Obama's change we can believe in.

Obama: I ask you to believe in this campaign, I ask you to believe in yourselves, I ask you to believe in the dream that we call America.

Female Announcer: It's your world.  Register to vote today and help change it.

Paid for by Obama for America. 

Notes: An ad focused on registering youth.