Obama for America

60-second ad run in OR in advance of the May 20, 2008 primary. 

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Obama: I'm Barack Obama, and I approved this message.

[Music]  Barbara Roberts: Hello, this is former Gov. Barbara Roberts.  Too often politicians in Washington, DC don't ask tough questions or give straight answers.  Barack Obama is different.  Before it was popular he had the courage and judgment to speak out against the Iraq war.  He understands the challenges we face in Oregon and across the country, and he's honest about them.  He got tough on Wall Stret.  He'll end tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas, and he'll help companies create jobs here in Oregon and in America.  Barack will invest more in early childhood education and teacher recruitment.  He knows government can't do it alone.  Parents need to get involved and instill in their kids a thirst to learn.  Barack Obama will bring our country together.

Obama: I'm Barack Obama.  I approved this message because to lift our nation we need real change.

Barbara Roberts: This is Barbara Roberts.  Join me and vote for Barack Obama for president.  Visit to learn more.

Paid for by Obama for America.