Obama for America

60-second ad run in OH late Feb. 2008. 

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Obama: I'm Barack Obama and I approved this message.

[Music] Steve Skyler: I worked at Delphi for 13 years.  I was making good money.

Male Announcer: Ohioan Steve Skyler.

Steve Skyler: Then when NAFTA came along, they started moving our work to Mexico first, then China.  I lost my job because of it.  It's a horrible feeling.

Male Announcer: Since 1994 NAFTA has cost 50,000 Ohioans their jobs, many their health care too. 

Barack Obama's the only candidate to have always opposed NAFTA. 

His plan ends tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas and gives them to businesses that create jobs in Ohio and America.  And Obama will cut taxes for the middle class, saving working families a thousand dollars a year.  And on health care, Obama covers every American and does the most to lower costs.  Read his full plan at or call 866-675-2008.

Obama: I want to restore that basic sense of fairness, that if you work hard, if you're able to find a good job that pays a decent wage, and that you can care for your children.

Steve Skyler: I think Barack Obama's going to bring change in this country.

Male Announcer: Paid for by Obama for America.

Observations: Some controversial claims in this ad:"the only candidate to have always opposed NAFTA" and "on health care, Obama covers every American"