Obama for America

"Mensaje a Puerto Rico"
Ad run in PR in advance of the June 1, 2008 primary.  

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ed. here is a very rough transcription...apologies for the many errors...corrections appreciated action08@gmail.com

[Music] Obama : Soy Barack Obama y yo apruebo este mensaje.

Nací en una isla y entiendo que la comida, la gasolina y todo cuesta más.  Puerto Rico tiene derecho a un mejor futuro. 

Mi plan ofrece nuevos incentivos para deponer las 40,000 mil empleos que sean perdidos.  Inverti en la educación de los niños puertorriqueños. 

Este primero de junio sea un honor contar con tu voto.

Obama for America

"Message to Puerto Rico"
Ad run in PR in advance of the June 1, 2008 primary.  

[Music] Obama : I'm Barack Obama and I approve this message.

I was born on an island, and I understand that food, gas and everything costs more.  Puerto Rico has suffered.  You have a right to a better future. 

My plan offers new incentives to help replace the 40,000 jobs that have been lost, raises the minimum wage, makes health care more affordable, and invests in the education of Puerto Rico's children.

This is our moment.  On June 1st it would be an honor to have your vote and confidence.

Notes: The English version covers more points, and the camera shot is not as tight.