John McCain 2008

"Service to America: 624787"
60-second ad run statewide in NM, announced March 28, 2008.

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[Music] McCain: Keep that faith.  Keep your courage.  Stick together.  Stay strong.  Do not yield.  Stand up.  [applause starts]  We're Americans and we'll never surrender. 

Male Announcer: What must a president believe about us?  About America?

That she is worth protecting?

That liberty is priceless?

Our people, honorable?

Our future, prosperous, remarkable and free?

And, what must we believe about that president?

What does he think?

Where has he been?

Has he walked the walk?

Archival clip...
INTERVIEWER: What is your rank?
JOHN MCCAIN: Lt. Commander in the Navy.
INTERVIEWER: And your official number?
JOHN MCCAIN: 624787.

Announcer: John McCain.  [Bell SFX] The American president Americans have been waiting for.

McCain (voiceover): I'm John McCain and I approve this message.


Notes:  The opening clip in this ad is from the close of McCain's speech at the 2004 Republican National Convention in New York.  The video mixes convention footage with images of more recent McCain campaign rallies. 

From the March 28, 2008 press release...

U.S. Senator John McCain's presidential campaign today released the first television ad of the general election. The ad, entitled "624787," poses important questions to the American people about what values they want in their next president, and highlights John McCain's experience, character and optimistic vision for our future. "624787" will run statewide in the important battleground state of New Mexico.

There was also a Spanish version of this ad.

Observations: The ad has some interesting graphic effects, including a series with layering of three different images.  The "A Nation of Courage" sign from the Republican National Convention is shown in black and whith and then colored in red.  The middle portion of this ad is a bit portentous.