Obama for America

"Same as Bush"
60-second radio ad run in No. VA and Dayton, OH, announced July 11, 2008.

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Man: Oh man – he’s starting already…
Woman: What now, honey?
Man: John McCain.  He’s got new ads attacking Barack Obama on taxes.
Woman: Well, that’s not new. Bush, McCain, Karl Rove – that’s how those guys work.
Man: Oh yeah, but this is shameful.   He’s just makin’ stuff up.
Woman: Yeah?
Man: But get this.  Independent sources are putting McCain in his place.  I went to FactCheck dot org.  They said quote “it’s not true.”
Woman: Huh.
Man: And look what Time says.  Quote, “It makes sense that McCain is returning to the old playbook.  But that doesn’t mean he can just make up his own facts.”  End Quote.
Woman: Yowza!  So what’s the truth?
Man: Obama’s plan cuts taxes on the middle class – and won’t raise taxes on anybody making less than two hundred fifty thousand a year.  But McCain wants billions in new corporate tax breaks…and no way to pay for it.
Woman: Hmm.  Sounds like George Bush all over again.
Man: Guess that’s why they say: John McCain – McSame as Bush!
Woman: Uh-huh.
Voiceover: On taxes, get the facts. Visit
Obama: I’m Barack Obama, candidate for President, and I approve this message.
Paid for by Obama for America.


Notes:  A response to a McCain/RNC radio ad.