McCain-Palin 2008 

30-second ad run in CO, NV and NM, announced Oct. 1, 2008. 

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[Music] Male Announcer: Qué es peor?  Que Barack Obama y sus aliados en el Congreso hayan matado la reforma de inmigración?

O que sus ataques de inmigración fueran clasificados por la prensa como: "injustos..." "absolutamente y directamente erróneos"... y "fraudulentos"

O que Obama y sus aliados liberales piensen que los Estados Unidos tiene un problema de inmigración porque México es, como dijeron literalmente, "una sociedad disfuncional".
Ellos nos han dicho que NO demasiadas veces.  En esta elección, vamos a decirles NO a ellos.

McCain: I'm John McCain and I approve this message.

Announcer: Paid for by McCain-Palin 2008 and the Republican National Committee.

Announcer: So what's worse? That Barak Obama and his allies in Congress killed immigration reform?

Or that their immigration attacks were called "unfair" ... "absolutely and directly wrong" ... and even "fraudulent" by the press.

Or that Obama and his liberal allies think the U.S. has an immigration problem because Mexico is a quote, "dysfunctional society".

They've said no to us long enough.  This election, let's tell them no.
McCain: I'm John McCain and I approve this message.

Announcer: Paid for by McCain-Palin 2008 and the Republican National Committee.

Notes: This ad is referring to the Obama ad "Dos Caras," which is no longer running.  According to the McCain press release there is also a radio ad.