Obama for America

radio ad
fragment of 60-second radio ad run in No. VA latter part of Sept.  2008.

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[Music] Female Announcer:...John McCain doesn't get about our economy.

McCain opposed a law to guarantee women equal pay for equal work, calling it a burden on business.  A burden on business?

McCain dismisses the wage gap, saying women just need more education and training.

So John McCain stands up for business, but won't stand up for working women.

For the change we need, there's Barack Obama.

Obama (clip from speech): Now is the time to keep the promise of equal pay for an equal day's work, because I want my daughters to have the exact same opportunities as your sons.

Male Announcer: Paid for by Obama for America.

Notes: The McCain campaign provided this statement from Sen. Arlen Specter (R-PA)...

"The fact is John McCain has been a champion for stem cell research, which holds the promise of curing devastating diseases like cancer, diabetes and heart disease. John McCain bucked the majority of our party in standing strong with me in urging the Bush Administration to lift restrictions on stem cell research, and last year voted to overturn the Bush policy.

"Delaware Valley voters deserve the truth: On stem cell research and so many other issues, John McCain is a maverick who always puts his country first. As president, he'll advance the cause of potentially lifesaving medical research that can free families from the fear and devastation of illness."

Here's a McCain ad on the subject from Sept. 12: "Stem Cell."