PRESS RELEASE from the Sierra Club

For Immediate Release
October 31, 2008

Contact: David Willett

’08 Elections and the Clean Energy Economy
Sierra Club Political Program Highlights

Washington, DC:  As the election heads into its final days, it is already clear that the need to invest in clean energy and green jobs, concern about record gas prices, record oil company profits, and demand for energy independence and action on global warming elevated Sierra Club’s priority issues to an unprecedented level.
"For the first time in a Presidential election, candidates and voters are connecting the dots between energy, the environment and the economy," said Carl Pope, Sierra Club Executive Director. "Barack Obama, in particular, has made it clear that  investing in cleaner energy will be "priority number one" in his plans for economic recovery."

"Even with the economic crisis rightly dominating the national conversation, candidates are touting investment in renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies as the answer that would jumpstart our economy, create millions of jobs, new industries and opportunities,"said Cathy Duvall, Sierra Club Political Director.  "And for the first time in American electoral history, presidential candidates aren't debating the existence of global warming but discussing instead the policies they would pursue to curb climate change."

Clean energy has become a defining issue in all of the major battleground Senate races as well as dozens of House contests. The issue is working to draw distinctions between candidates who favor politics as usual candidates who took money from Big Oil and voted to give the oil companies tax breaks  and candidates who promise to deliver change in the form of an increased reliance on renewable power and energy efficiency.  Candidates around the country are introducing voters to the new lexicon of "green jobs", "clean energy future,"and "cap and auction."

For several years the Sierra Club has been working to build momentum and support among the public and office-holders for clean energy as a solution to both the economic and environmental problems Americans face.

The Sierra Club Political Committee’s ran a number of programs focused on contrasting endorsed candidates including Barack Obama and his job-creating clean energy investment plan, with John McCain’s continuing of the Bush administration’s energy and environmental policies .  The Sierra Club’s program included:


On Wednesday, November 5th, Sierra Club will join with other environmental groups to discuss the election results and what this election means for moving forward with clean energy solutions with a new administration and Congress.  The press conference will be at 2 PM at the National Press Club in Washington, DC.