Oppo: DNC Targets Republican Presidential Prospects
In January 2007, as the field of candidates started to gel, the DNC sent out at least 23 press releases targeting Republican presidential prospects.  Mitt Romney, whom the DNC tagged "smooth talking Mitt," led with seven, followed by McCain with six.  Some of these releases are pegged off events such as a candidate entering the race; others highlight articles that cast the candidate in an unfavorable light.  Additionally, on Jan. 12 the DNC inaugurated its "GOP '08 Watch: A Weekly Look At The Potential Republican Candidates;" the first release contained nuggets on Romney, McCain, Giuliani, Huckabee, Gingrich, Gilmore and Brownback.
January 2007
Mon. Jan. 1
Tues. Jan. 2
Wed. Jan. 3 Mitt Romney: The Multiple-Choice Candidate
Thurs. Jan. 4
Fri. Jan. 5 Smooth Talking Romney Taxing His Credibility
Sat. Jan. 6
Sun. Jan. 7
Mon. Jan. 8
Tues. Jan. 9
Wed. Jan. 10 Smooth Talking Mitt Joins Bush in Ignoring Military Commanders, Escalating Iraq War
Thurs. Jan. 11
Fri. Jan. 12 GOP '08 Watch: A Weekly Look At The Potential Republican Candidates 
Sat. Jan. 13
Sun. Jan. 14 The "McCain Principle": Secure the Nomination at All Costs
Mon. Jan. 15
Wed. Jan. 17
Thurs. Jan. 18
Fri. Jan. 19 Brownback Announces Candidacy of Ideology Over People
McCain is Tanking
GOP '08 Watch: A Weekly Look At the Potential Republican Candidates 
Sat. Jan. 20
Sun. Jan. 21 McCain Contradicts Himself Again on Iraq 
Tues. Jan. 23
Wed. Jan. 24 McCain Digs Heels In On War Escalation
Loyal Foot Soldier Rudy Backs Bush's Health Care Tax
Thurs. Jan. 25 Duncan Hunter: One More Reason to Vote Democrat 
Fri. Jan. 26 The Real Newt Gingrich: Special Interest Shill
McCain's Recipe for Disaster
Smooth Talking Mitt’s Pitch Gets Tougher
GOP '08 Watch: A Weekly Look At the Potential Republican Candidates
Sat. Jan. 27
Sun. Jan. 28
Mon. Jan. 29 Huckabee Brings His Questionable Ethics Record to the Presidential Race 
Tues. Jan. 30 GOP Sees Lemons In White House Race 
'Turnaround Artist' Mitt Romney Ducks Tough Issues, Avoids Iraq and Immigration 
Wed. Jan. 31 MUST READ: Myth has made the man: 9/11 not enough for Rudy's Prez run 
McCain's Hardball GOTV Push

Examples of early releases on McCain, Giuilani, and Romney.
Copyright © 2006, 2007  Eric M. Appleman/Democracy in Action