PRESS RELEASE from Hillary Clinton for President


To:                   Interested Parties
From:               Mark Daley
Date:                November 1, 2007
Re:                   Iowans for Hillary Campaign October Update

Iowans for Hillary demonstrated the growing strength and depth of our organization throughout the month of October. The month began in the front seat of the “Middle Class Express” as Hillary rolled through eight cities on a bus tour of Iowa where she announced her policy blueprint to rebuild America’s middle class. Throughout the month, Iowans for Hillary held 549 “Hillary House Parties” and canvassed in all 99 of Iowa’s 99 counties. Additionally, surrogates attended 214 events on behalf of Iowans for Hillary. Senator Clinton continues to gain energy and momentum in Iowa as the campaign enters November with the endorsement of AFSCME and their 30,000 Iowa members. Below is our “By the Numbers” October update:

Iowans for Hillary “By the Numbers” October Update
