Senator Sam Brownback:
A Reagan Conservative You Can Trust.

In 2008, our nation and the Republican Party need a visionary conservative leader who will boldly protect our nation against the threat of global terrorism, uphold our values by fighting abortion and same-sex marriage, and protect our free enterprise system by fighting for a flat tax and an end to wasteful government spending.  Senator Sam Brownback is that leader.  By supporting Sam Brownback in the 2008 Republican Primary, you will support a devoted husband, father of five, and a proven conservative leader who is:

Committed to Fighting and Defeating the Terrorist Threat Facing Our Nation
- Senator Brownback is dedicated to fighting and winning the war on terror.
- He believes that we must call our enemy for what they are: radical, militant Islamists who have no respect for human life and oppose democracy, religious freedom, and liberty itself.  In our fight against this enemy, co-existence is not an option.  Victory alone will suffice.
- Brownback believes that we must win in Iraq and he opposes the cut-and-run strategy proposed by the Democrats.
- Brownback supports President Bush's approach of fighting and defeating the terrorists on their soil instead of waiting to be attacked on our own.
- Senator Brownback is also a staunch supporter of Israel and supports Israel's right to defend itself from both external and internal security threats.

A Champion of Less Government, a Flat Tax, and America's Free Enterprise System
- Senator Brownback believes that our nation's economic health depends on America's entrepreneurial spirit and free enterprise system.
- Brownback believes that the current tax code is a national embarrassment and needs to be replaced by an optional flat tax so that citizens would have a choice over the present code.  Sam Brownback is proud to have supported all of President Bush's tax cuts.
- Brownback is committed to cutting government and wasteful spending.  He supports the Balanced Budget Amendment and has also proposed a federal commission to review all federal agencies and programs for waste and inefficiency.  He believes that all unnecessary federal agencies and programs which no longer perform a worthwhile function should be abolished.

A Proudly Pro-Life U.S. Senator
- Senator Sam Brownback is unequivocally pro-life, and believes life must be defended from the moment of conception.
- Brownback believes that the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion in all fifty states is a profound American tragedy and that we must work hard to overturn this decision.
- Brownback is a proven leader in the fight to protect life. He has led the fight to end taxpayer funding of abortion, ban partial-birth abortion, oppose taxpayer funding for life-destroying scientific research, and ban human cloning.  He also opposes doctor-assisted suicide.

A Staunch Defender of Traditional Marriage
- Senator Brownback is a champion of traditional marriage and strong families.
- Brownback is the lead sponsor of the Marriage Protection Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which defines marriage as the union of a man and a woman.

An Unwavering Advocate for Judicial Restraint
- As a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Brownback is a principled advocate for judicial restraint and has actively worked to ensure federal judges respect and interpret the law instead of legislating from the bench.
- Brownback was a leader in the confirmations of Justice Samuel Alito and Chief Justice John Roberts to the U.S. Supreme Court.
- Brownback sponsored legislation to curb the power of activist judges who want to remove God from the public square.

A Friend of Sportsmen, Gun Owners, and the Second Amendment
- Senator Brownback has consistently earned the National Rifle Association's highest rating for his unwavering support of our right to bear arms.
- Brownback believes that the Second Amendment upholds our other constitutional rights, and understands that this right is not just for purposes of hunting, but also for citizens to protect themselves, their families, and their property.

Sam Brownback for President: Principled. Conservative. Republican.
In the 2008 Republican Primary, Stand with Sam and elect a Reagan Conservative to the White House!

 Paid for by Brownback for President