Republican National Committee's "Meet The Democrat Candidates"
February 21, 2007

Biden:  "An Undisciplined, Self-Described Northeast Liberal, In Love With The Sound Of His Own Voice"
Clinton:  "A Calculating, Divisive, Lifelong Liberal With Political Baggage"
Dodd:  "A New England Liberal, Past His Prime, On An Unrealistic Vanity Run For The White House"
Edwards:  "A Hypocritical, Inexperienced Liberal With A New Negative Attitude"
Obama:  "An Inexperienced, Insulated, Arrogant, Unabashed Liberal"
Richardson:  "A Self-Promoting, Washington Insider With A Controversial Record"
Vilsack:  "A Tax-Hiking, Mismanaging, 'Blip' Candidate With No Foreign Policy Experience"
[Kucinich and Gravel did not merit a page]