February 2, 2007

Dear DNC Member,

        I look forward to seeing you at the DNC Winter Meeting.  I know I share your great pride in the Democratic Party's victories in 2006, and I know they will have a tremendous impact on the lives of women throughout this great nation.

        I am here today on behalf of my good friend, John Edwards.  After much consideration, I have decided to support John's candidacy for President because I believe he's the best of the best and will mean the most to the hopes, concerns and aspirations of women.  I've known John since he ran for the Senate and both he and Elizabeth are very good friends, and I can tell you he is the kind of leader our country desperately needs.  John has always stood up for what he believes, including as a forceful advocate for women's rights.  As a lawyer, as a senator, as the father of two daughters, and as a husband, he has a full understanding of what the right to dignity and equality means for women.

        John recognizes that although women have come a long way in our society, the journey is not over.  Over the past few years, he has traveled the country on behalf of Americans living in poverty, including the millions of women who are working hard to provide for their families, but having trouble making ends meet.  John is committed to helping women as they struggle to find quality, affordable childcare, to work, to mother, and to care for their own parents.

        I am proud to support John Edwards and his campaign to create an America where every person has the same opportunities to succeed -- regardless of gender, race or income.  I hope to be able to talk to you in the coming weeks and months about John's vision for our country.  Thank you.

Kate Michelman
Senior Adviser, John Edwards for President