Feingold Supporters On the Web: Early Activity
(March 31, 2006 grab)

Feingold for Illinois
About the Site:
Steve Birenberg of Evanston, IL launched the site on Feb. 28, 2005; Hiram Wurf of Naperville joined as a contributor in Dec. 2005.

Here is Steve Birenberg's initial posting of February 28, 2005:

Who Am I and Why Am I Here
Welcome to my new Feingold For Illinois blog, inaugurated on February 28, 2005.  I am setting up this blog to expand the network of Feingold for President blogs that have already popped in the few months since we were subjected to four more years of GWB.  I am hoping this blog can be a home to those of us in Illinois who are seeking information on Senator Feingold's possible 2008 bid for the White House.  I also hope this blog will ease communications among supporters of Senator Feingold's all over the country who are looking for like minded supporters in other states and regions.

My name is Steve.  I am 44 years old, married with two teenage kids.  I've been involved in politics a long time as a hobby although I manage money for a living.  In 1997, I was elected to a four year term on my local school board.  It was a wothwhile experience as despite much opposition we passed a referendum and put our district's finances back in order.  I decided not to run for re-election as our local politics had gotten particularly nasty and the Board's work was moving beyond my finance expertise. Honestly, I left a bit jaded and bitter and it was not until I found Howard Dean's campaign for President in early 2004 that my love for politics and making our country better re-emerged.  I attended the second ever Meetup in Illinois, in Evanston, with just a handful of others.  Ultimately, I co-hosted the Evanston Meetup, which grew into one of the larger and more successful in Illinois.  My political rejuvenation ended with the disappointment of Dean's campaign and I spent many months looking to re-charge my batteries.  I am now working as a co-chair of a campaign for one of my friends who is running for a four year term as a Village Trustee in our hometown.

During the Dean campaign I met many great folks who poured their heart into the campaign.  I think a lot of those folks will be drawn toward Senator Feingold if he runs in 2008.  He has a similar integrity and willingness to talk straight that attracted many to Governor Dean.  Our country is dire need of an honest politician who has the integrity to gain the respect of those who may disagree with him or her.  Our fascination with outsiders like Jesse Ventura or Arnold Schwarzeneggar or with folks like Howard Dean, John McCain and Elliot Spitzer tells me that the time is right for our country to support a reformer with honesty and integrity.  Russ Feingold has those characteristics and can build a coalition of voters across a broad spectrum of America.

Here is a blurb about Hiram Wurf, also from the site:

Hiram Wurf got involved in local and national politics with the Howard Dean presidential campaign, running Meetups and becoming Chair of Outreach and Fundraising for DuPage for Dean.  He later ran as the Democratic candidate for the DuPage County Board in 2004, earning the Chicago Tribune's endorsement in the general election. Hiram currently serves as Secretary of the Naperville Township Democrats and Leader of DuPage Democracy for Illinois.  You can read Hiram's views and coverage of local, state and national politics at his blog www.WurfWhile.com.

# of postings in:
2005 2006
Jan. - 6
Feb. - 1
Mar. - 4
Apr. - 3
May - 3
Jun. - 0
Jul. - 0
Aug. - 1
Sep. - 0
Oct. - 0
Nov. - 0
Dec. - 9
Feb. - 9
Mar. - 8
Apr. - 4
May - 1


Copyright © 2006  Eric M. Appleman/Democracy in Action