Gore Supporters On the Web: Early Activity
(May 13, 2006 grabs)
www.algore.org draftgore2008.org thegorefactor.blogspot.com www.algoresupportcenter.com
www.gorenet.org/portal grassrootsforgore.blogspot.com
(July 3, 2006 grab)
(July 3, 2006 grab)


Mission Statement (Feb. 24, 2005): "Our goal is to restore Al Gore to the White House. As an unofficial, grassroots campaign, we are creating a functioning campaign so that by the time Gore does announce, he will have footsoldiers identified and in place around the country, getting a jump on any potential primary rivals."

Founded by Dylan Malone of Everett, Washington, this site traces back to 2001-02.  In Fall 2001, Dylan Malone, father of Ian Malone, an infant whose story Gore took an interest in and who figured in the 2000 campaign, finished work on his Baby Ian site.  Malone stated (4/22/02 e-mail) that he "surveyed the smattering of Gore 2004 sites on the web and felt that is was time to begin a larger scale project with message boards, email services, a news service, newsletters, games, virtual greeting cards, etc."  He and some other webmasters formed the Gore News Network (GNN).  In April 2002, another Gore site, the Al-Gore2004.org site, merged into Malone's site to form algore04.com ("The grassroots site dedicated to re-electing Al Gore").   Malone stated, "I've been very lucky to have several talented people step forward and work tirelessly with me on this project--all completely volunteers--we have no payroll."  "The site's visitors provide all the energy that makes things happen on algore04.com," Malone said.  He also formed a PAC, The People, Not The Powerful, to raise money for the site.  "I see our mission as building the largest, most energized and organized community of concerned citizens on the Internet," Malone said.  more

DG08 PAC is dedicated to draft Al Gore as the Democratic nominee for President in 2008 and to persuade the American people to elect Al Gore as the next President of the United States.

We will focus a grassroots, distributed campaign strategy on early primary and caucus states to send delegates committed to Gore to the 2008 Democratic convention.

The Gore Factor
This site is dedicated to electing former Vice President Al Gore for President in 2008.  I welcome all thoughts, comments, ideas, and suggestions.  I will be searching daily for new articles and information about Gore.  Any topics you want to discuss are more than welcome.  We're now very much aware of the power of grass roots blogging.  I hope this site offers others a voice and a desire to get involved.  Visit our sister site: thebushfactor.blogspot.com  Thank you and Welcome!

Al Gore Support Center
Administered by Chris Jackson of Loretto, TN.

Disclaimer, posted on June 19, 2004, states in part: "The Al Gore Support Center is a grassroots ran website that is dedicated to serving Al Gore by posting up to date news and info, providing interactive services, and having helpful material that is useful in defending Gore from the right wing and the media."

The Gore Portal
Feb. 2006 posting: "This website is the home of a people's movement to draft former Vice President Al Gore for President. All supporters of Al Gore are invited to join the movement and help build a grassroots network of Gore supporters reaching all corners of the nation.  The site is community oriented with powerful organizational features, around which we will unveil specific initiatives shortly."

April 2006 posting: "Briefly, our goals are to promote, facilitate, defend, and support a Gore run in 2008, as well as support his public service endeavors."

Grassroots for Gore
"Grassroots drive to promote and support a presidential run by Al Gore in 2008...Plus progressive activism and opinion"

"Grassroots for Gore is a team blog of volunteer bloggers.  The blog is neither authorized by Mr. Gore nor is affiliated with any of the organizations that he is a part of.  The views and opinions expressed on this blog are those of the individual authors and commenters."  Site lists 18 contributors (July 2006).  Test posting in May 2005; first posting Oct. 25, 2005.

Patriots for Gore
"Restore Our President!"
In Jan. 2004 Jan Moore of New Jersey established this federal PAC, which is still active.

From the site, "This is a PAC seeking restitution for an egregious crime committed against the Constitution of our nation, our people, and the man who was elected President in 2000.  We will not be dissuaded from this effort, for this IS the step between an UNCONSTITUTIONAL USSC decision and violent revolution".

On Oct. 18, 2005 Moore also launched a blog:
Progressives for Gore
"A blog to support Al Gore the man, and all of his endeavors."
In her initial posting, she wrote:
"Welcome to our new blog, Progressives for Al Gore.  This blog is for anyone to discuss Al Gore's endeavors.  It is not specifically a campaign blog as there is no campaign.  It is a blog to discuss the good things this man is doing now, and also any Progressive issues of importance.  There is more to Al Gore than just being a candidate.  This is the blog to discuss the man and his accomplishments past and present including his 25+ years of public service, and how his accomplishments will impact the future whether he is ever a candidate again or not."

Jan Moore:
"I campaigned for Al Gore in NJ in 2000.  I continued after the draft movement folded in 2004 by starting Patriots for Al Gore which still continues its support of Mr. Gore today in all of his endeavors be they Presidential or otherwise.  I was also one of the original members of Draft Gore 2004, Elect Gore 2004, and have been a supporter of this man for over 16 years, realizing from my experiences from 2000-2004, that at times, conventional means just aren't good enough ro achieve justice.  I also believe he got a bum wrap in the media in 2000, and he and we had that election stolen from us through a crime we have yet to see justice for.  That was actually the event that brought home the fact for me that the people have no voice and that now is the time to get that voice back.  I am therefore grateful to see that Mr. Gore is still out here working with us to see that come to pass. I believe he will leave a great legacy regardless of whether he ever runs for political office or not."

"A Washington, DC web blog that supports Gore for President in 2008. We support progressive political posts too. Thanks for your support for Al Gore in 2008, and look forward to working with you on drafting Gore for the Democratic Party nomination run and the Washington, DC Presidential Primary on Tuesday January 15, 2008. This blog is written by volunteer bloggers. The blog is neither authorized by Al Gore nor is affiliated with any of the organizations that he is a part of."

Launched by Paul R. McKenzie on Nov. 26, 2005.  Elected in fall 2004 as the Ward 4 representative to the DC Democratic Party (term runs through November of 2008).  Is an adjunct prof with Syracuse University.
Copyright © 2006  Eric M. Appleman/Democracy in Action