November 30, 2007
Contact: Daniel Becker, President | (770) 667-3777

Contact: Bryan Lash, PAC Director (770)295-9001

Georgia Right to Life PAC Endorses Mike Huckabee for President

LAWRENCEVILLE, GA - The mission of Georgia Right to Life PAC (GRTL PAC) is to endorse and support candidates for public office who have a proven commitment to the sanctity of human life and will be a strong and effective voice for the unborn. We are pleased to endorse Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee for the 2008 Presidential primary. We appreciate and respect the pro-life positions of all pro-life candidates. We commend Rep. Duncan Hunter, Dr. Alan Keyes and Rep. Tom Tancredo for their strong pro-life positions, but find that Governor Mike Huckabee is the only candidate which qualified under Georgia Right to Life PAC guidelines. We examined three factors in our decision to endorse Gov. Mike Huckabee: the positions of the candidates on the life issues, their records on the life issues and their ability to win.

Gov. Huckabee responded to our inquiry of his position on the life issues by stating, “In keeping with my consistent support for life, I believe in the ‘one exception’ clause for the life of the mother and I support the Georgia Personhood Amendment. I also support, and have consistently done so, the Human Life Amendment to the United States Constitution.”

Gov. Huckabee has a proven track record of solid pro-life legislation during his terms as governor of Arkansas. He is noted for having passed a state “Human Life Amendment” which says that “the policy of Arkansas is to protect the life of every unborn child from conception to birth.” Arkansas Amendment 68 will take effect the moment that Roe vs. Wade is reversed. He is especially supportive of our efforts here in Georgia, to promote the passage of H.R. 536, the Paramount Right to Life Amendment (

As an affiliate of National Right to Life, we give grateful recognition for the role they play in protecting the unborn. “We want to acknowledge their leadership and thank them for allowing individual states to do what they believe is best for their state. Under normal circumstances we would communicate their Presidential endorsement to our 225,000 households.” said Bryan Lash, PAC Director for GRTL. “While we appreciate their leadership and support, we believe that Gov. Huckabee is the strongest and most effective pro-life candidate in this race,” continues Lash. “Passing a Personhood Amendment here in Georgia is our key issue in achieving our objective to extend the protections of the law to all ‘persons’ both born and unborn. Support of a candidate who ushered a similar amendment through his own state speaks volumes to us. Mr. Huckabee’s recent surge in the polls, we believe, demonstrates that he is the pro-life movement’s best hope in defeating pro-abortion candidate Rudy Giuliani. When elected, Mike Huckabee will work hard to establish our goal of restoring respect and effective legal protection to all innocent human beings, from the moment of fertilization until natural death.”