Iraq War Demonstration 
Washington, DC  September 24, 2005
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Cathy Knight, a retired carpenter/teacher from the San Francisco Bay area, and her mother, Betty Ramos, 83, from Fresno, head to the Ellipse.  Knight's sign was from an earlier action when she and other activists in the peace movement tried, unsuccessfully, to get Fresno to go on record as being against the war.  "I took this picture out of the morning paper and just copied it and I held this up during the Council meeting," she stated.

Question: Does a march like this make any difference?

"I think it really does because when you think about it I was going to college during the late '60s when we were marching against the Vietnam War and it just signifies that there's an awful lot of people.  You know the politicians, regardless of what they say, they pay attention, because one person here probably represents 20 or 30 people who feel the same way.  And they do.  No matter what they say, they do the math."

Question: Have you done similar marches?

"Yeah I started marching when they had the massive protests before the war ever started, you know when this regime was gearing up to go to war."

Question: Here or in California?

"I did both.  I came here; I marched in San Francisco several times and then I came to New York for the Republican Convention the last time around as a member of the CODEPINK group and did a lot of civil disobedience and that sort of thing."

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