Iraq War Demonstration 
Washington, DC  September 24, 2005
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Most of this group are members of the Democrats of Napa Valley Club, and a few are from Washington State.  Their distinctive "Make Wine-Not War" shirts and banner caught people's attention.  The back of the shirts state, "You don't have to like Bush to love America."

Tracy Krumpen (second from right in the photo below) provided some observations:

"...we decided that it was time to march on Washington, to join the protest.  We need to stop this unjust war.  It was sold to the American public on false pretenses and we've got to stop now."

Question: What does "stop now" mean in real terms?  Do we just pull everyone out of there tomorrow?

"My opinion, if we don't pull out now, in about thirty years we're going to have another Vietnam Memorial, except it will be the Iraq Memorial."

Question: But would it make sense to stretch it out over a year or you want everyone out tomorrow?

"I want them to sit down and figure out the quickest way possible out.  Obviously you can't just snap your fingers, get everybody out.  I want them to work on some sort of timeframe to get them out as soon as possible."

Question: Do you think marches like this have any impact whatsover?

"It depends on the press.  It depends on whether or not the press actually reports on these mass protests or if they bury it on page B9.  If they bury it people aren't going to think it's a big issue.  If it's on page one, the way items like this should be on page one, it can make a difference...

"We've got to stay positive...  and not only do we have to do this, but we have to write to our congresspeople--we have to write to our members of Congress, our representatives, and tell them what we feel.  We've got to tell them they represent us; they are accountable to us, their constituents.  So these folks...can't stop here.  They have to then take home the message to their constituents, take it home to their congresspeople and tell them that they need to represent us properly."

Democrats of Napa Valley Club

Copyright © 2005  Eric M. Appleman/Democracy in Action.