Kerry Supporters On the Web: Early Activity kerryforpresident2008. (+)
(April 30, 2006 grabs).

Independents for Kerry

Editor Jim Witkins launched this site during the 2004 campaign.  In Nov. 12, 2004 he added the Independents for Kerry blog "to promote the values and ideals that Kerry championed on the Presidential campaign trail."  Witkins wrote, "59,000,000 people voted for Kerry and supported his vision for America.  Their efforts continue here."  In a Dec. 2004 posting he wrote: "If Kerry stays relevant in his party and becomes a champion for those opposed to the Bush agenda, then by all means Kerry deserves another shot in 2008."

The Unofficial John Kerry Blog
"The First Blog Supporting John Kerry Before the 2004 Election."

Contributors: Pamela Leavey, Ron Chusid.
Pamela Leavey started posting on the site on June 9, 2003.  She is a single mom of one daughter in West Toluca Lake, California.  An entrepreneur, she founded Of the Goddess Ltd, a business offering exclusive all-natural aromatherapy, personal care and bath and body products, accessories and bulk aromatherapy supplies, in 1995.  In December 2004 she was a founding partner of ("to shine a light on the work of those who pick up the torch and carry on, in the most difficult of circumstances") and in July 2005 she founded The Democratic Daily ("Drowning out the Noise Machine, with a liberal dose of news, national and local politics, progressive commentary and opinions, and commonsense conversation, because 'Truth is the American bottom line.'”)
Ron Chusid identifies himself as a physician (internal medicine) from Spring Lake, MI.

First postings: June 7, 2003 - "Why this blog?" and "Why Kerry's Fighting" by Matthew N. Stoller.
Looked at on April 30, 2006, the most recent posting was April 30, 2006 - "Exclusive: Scott Ritter on John Kerry's Iraq Plan" by Pamela Leavey.

John Kerry for President 2008
"Individual supporting John Kerry for President in 2008.  Discussion about Presidential Politics and the 2008 election issue."

Robert Freedland, a physician in La Crosse, Wisconsin. (more)

First postings: Nov. 30, 2004 - "Welcome" ("The nation does need a Massachusetts liberal!  Please join in the discussion here and let's start talking about 2008.  John Kerry gave it his best shot in 2004 and lost by the smallest of margin.  We can do it if we do it together!") and "Why Kerry?" ("The last election was about being anti-Bush. America did not get a chance to know John Kerry until late in the election...")

Looked at on April 30, 2006, the most recent posting was April 30, 2006 - "America has Nothing to Fear," a long posting on the Spanish language version of the National Anthem.  The April 29 posting "Ellen Goodman Opposes Kerry Presidential Bid" is more on point.  He writes that Goodman's "irresponsible op-ed piece does nothing except add to the character assassination of Senator Kerry."

Poets for Kerry

Author: Unknown

First posting: "A Return to Ithaca"  Oct. 16, 2005.  ...15 lines of verse
Most recent posting: "Good Sport: Kerry's Surf and Cheney's Turf"  Feb. 16, 2006   ...limerick

Of note:
It's not clear if this unusual and interesting site is ongoing or inactive, but for five months the author offered an assortment of verses, legislative panegyrics, haikus and limericks inspired by Sen. Kerry.
Copyright © 2006  Eric M. Appleman/Democracy in Action