POSTING from Obama for America
June 3, 2008

Michigan Superdelegate for Obama; Delegate Countdown - 41 To Go

Chicago, IL -- Today, Michigan superdelegate Joyce Lalonde endorsed Barack Obama.  Lalonde, a member of the NEA and MEA Boards of Directors and political activist announced today that she is pleased to endorse the candidacy of Senator Barack Obama for President of the United States.

Obama needs 41 delegates to secure the Democratic nomination.

Lalonde said...

I find the Senator to be a strong supporter of public education. His education platform gives great hope to the children of the United States that every child is entitled to a quality public education. I applaud Senator Obama's endorsement of creating an educational system that puts our children first. With his leadership, we will move away from a nation of test bubblers to a nation of highly educated individuals that will return us to global leadership in all areas. I am excited to begin the campaign that brings America to the best that it can be.