Beltway Happenings  ...3 of 5 >
Dec. 18, 2008--Maj. Gen. Richard J. Rowe, Jr., U.S. Army, chairman of Armed Forces Inaugural Committee (AFIC), welcomed leaders of the 2009 Presidential Inaugural Committee (PIC) and the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies (JCCIC).
Emmett Beliveau, executive director of the PIC made brief remarks.... did Howard Gantman, staff director of the JCCIC.  Tom Groppel, AFIC director of ceremonies [pictured below], also spoke, noting that AFIC has made "some major adjustments" including moving the parade assembly area from the Mall area to the Ellipse to accomodate the PIC. 
Seated are Howard Gantman, Tom Groppel and Emmett Beliveau.
Emett Beliveau.

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