Beltway Happenings  ...1 of 3 >
Jan. 21, 2009--At the Democratic National Committee's Winter Meeting, DNC Chairman Howard Dean finished four years leading the party.  "We have rebuilt our party and we have taken our country back," Dean stated.  (prepared remarks)  Dean, elected in Feb. 2005, is best known for advocating and implementing the 50-state strategy which contributed to Democratic gains in 2006 and helped pave the way to their reclaiming the White House in 2008.  (Top) Dean talks with outgoing finance chair Patrick Murphy. 
Dean consults with director of party affairs Phil McNamara.
DNC chief of staff Leah Daughtry.
Native American members presented Dean with a Pendleton "Chief Stars and Stripes" blanket to show their appreciation.  Frank LaMere, Winnebago, the longest serving Indian on the DNC and chair of the Native American Coordinating Council, made remarks, as Kalyn Free, Choctaw, founder and president of the Indigenous Democratic Network, INDN's List, and Lorna Wilbur, Swinomish, a DNC member from Washington state, presented the blanket.  It was donated by the Umatilla Nation through efforts of Antone Minthorn, their chairman.  LaMere told Dean that among the Native people  "It is a simple honor but it is the highest honor...  It represents our good feelings for you."  Kalyn Free writes, "Pendletons are given by Indians to those deemed worthy by their actions or deeds; as sign of respect, friendship and high honor.  Governor Dean received this from the DNC Native Americans because of his unparalleled and staunch support of Indian Country." 

Copyright © 2009  Eric M. Appleman/Democracy in Action