Romney Supporters On the Web
March 31, 2006

Author: Nancy French, a writer in Tennessee.
Has run a personal blog, "Nancy's Niche," since October 2004.

"Tennesseans have always loved straight-talkers, result-getters, and those who aren't afraid of standing for their principles.  This website is dedicated to, of all people, the Governor of Massachusetts, who -- in spite of his current address -- epitomizes the spirit and character of Tennesseans more than any other political leader out there.  With your support, who knows?  Perhaps we might just help him get a better address -- 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue."

First posting: January 16, 2006 - "Future President Mitt Romney" in which she wrote, "We need Mitt. And Mitt needs Tennessee. Let's get the conversation started."

Most recent posting: March 30, 2006 - "Romney Wins Court Battle!" (AP article "Massachusetts Court Limits Same-Sex Marriage Law")

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