"The Courage To Create Change"
Emphasizing community, Iowa Gov. Tom Vilsack, a moderate Democrat,
announces underdog campaign for President in Mount Pleasant.   ...D4 of 9 >
November 29, 2006-Pat Richenberger of Mount Pleasant first met Tom Vilsack in 1986.  "He's for the common guy," she said.  "And even though he's a Democrat, he works with Republicans and tries to hear all sides; a good mediator," Richenberger said.
The Potluck Supper
More from the Announcement Speech
Supporters Speak
Team Vilsack
Media Coverage
Tom Vilsack for President, Inc.

Henry County Convention & Visitors Bureau
Mount Pleasant Area Chamber of Commerce
Iowa Wesleyan College
Copyright ©  2006  Eric M. Appleman/Democracy in Action