"The Courage To Create Change"
Emphasizing community, Iowa Gov. Tom Vilsack, a moderate Democrat,
announces underdog campaign for President in Mount Pleasant.   ...E5 of 5 >
November 30, 2006--First Lady Christie Vilsack answered a couple of questions after the announcement speech:
We've always been the long shot.  We've run nine races.  We know how to do retail politics.  We've always run from behind and so we're in a place that we really like and we think that once people get to know Tom--he's been a great leader for Iowa; he's got a tremendous record; he's from the middle of the country--I think once peole get to know him they're going to see that he's a decisive leader.  They'll learn his decision making process, and that's what the caucuses and the primaries are all about; that's what a campaign is all about. 

We wanted to get started early because we know people don't know us that well and it's going to take us a little longer to introduce ourselves, but that's always been the case for nine races.  Nobody knew Tom.  He came here from Pittsburgh.  Nobody knew him.  We were from the Southeastern corner of the state from a very small town.  Nobody knew him and so we just go out there and work harder than everybody else and we'll contact everybody in Iowa and everybody across the country that we can get a hold and make our case.  And we just believe that if you work hard and you've got good ideas, that those good ideas--and if you challenge people to make those bold changes that he talked about in his speech--that that's what people want.  The want a sense of coming together, and we know what that's like 'cause we live in a community where people come together. 

Question: Midwest values.  What does that mean?  Explain that to someone from Los Angeles.  What are examples of Midwest values?  Did I see that last night at the potluck?
Well I think you felt it at the potluck.  I think you felt a sense of community there and what happens when people are connected to one another.  And I don't think it's about just Midwest values, I think you can get that--Tom's from Pittsburgh, right in the middle of the city, and we've both lived in other cities.  I've lived in New York City where--and I've lived in Boston, and you get that same sense of neighborhoods.  When the Steelers went to the Super Bowl last year we were all tailgating out in the parking lot on a freezing January day  in Detroit.  That's a sense of community.  It's a sense of being connected to other people and it might be through some organization that you belong to, it might be a football team, it might be a small town community where you know everybody.  There are a lot of different communities and so it's not so much small town values as it is community values.
The Potluck Supper
More from the Announcement Speech
Supporters Speak
Team Vilsack
Media Coverage
Tom Vilsack for President, Inc.

Henry County Convention & Visitors Bureau
Mount Pleasant Area Chamber of Commerce
Iowa Wesleyan College
Copyright ©  2006  Eric M. Appleman/Democracy in Action