Warner Supporters On the Web: Early Activity
www.draftmarkwarner.com (+)
(March 13, 2006 grab)
(June 2006 grab)
(June 2006 grab)
(June 2006 grab)
(June 2006 grab)
www.markwarnerisgood.com (+)
(Oct. 12, 2006 grab)


Co-founded by Eddie Ratliff (Salem, VA Democratic activist), Steve Deak (Atlanta, GA Democratic activist) and Eddie Hartman (Los Angeles attorney) soon after the 2004 campaign.

"Mark Warner for President Blog Team
A southern governor with an accomplished record for 2008."

First posting by Eddie Ratliff on Jan. 2, 2005.

"Advocacy and discussion of Mark Warner's campaign for the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination, with a focus on the 2008 Iowa caucuses."

>First postings on March 14, 2006.  John Zimmerman (Yellowdogjz) wrote:

Mark Warner: Our Best Hope, By Far
The purpose of this site is to advance the presidential candidacy of Mark Warner, with a focus on the 2008 Iowa caucuses.

I write as a concerned Democrat in southeast Iowa -- concerned because I hate how Republican administrations affect the world and because I'm afraid we Democrats will in 2008 nominate another candidate who will have a very hard time connecting with enough swing voters to win the general election.  Of all the Democrats considering a run in 2008, Mark Warner seems to me far and away the candidate most likely to win the general election and actually become president.

Among other things, I hope to use this site as an early organizing tool for Warner-supporting Democrats in Iowa.  I also hope to make the case for Warner's candidacy. I look forward to this journey, and to victory -- not primarily victory over the other Democratic candidates in the Iowa caucuses (which is just a means to the end) but victory over the Republicans in November 2008 and eight years of a progressive Democratic presidential administration governing the world's only superpower.

"A blog authored by two Illinois Democratic organizers who feel Mark Warner is by far the most interesting of the 2008 possible candidates.  This blog will explore the nascent Warner campaign for President, as it searches for message, appeal and a chance to be part of the 2008 public debate.  We expect it to be a fun ride."

>In his first posting on Nov. 9, 2005, author Daniel Dennison wrote:

Admission #1: I am a progressive living in Illinois who until 5 years ago had always lived in a red state, and I like Mark Warner.

If Mark Warner can avoid stupidity of the Daily Kos/DLC feud, I believe he can appeal to a broad range of Democrats and unite our party.  Equally I believe he has proven with his common sense non-ideological leadership in Virginia that he can unite a large coalition of the American people to not just win a general election, but heal the country.  Am I giving him to much credit for a one-term relatively unknown governor or setting the expectations too high?  Maybe, but the potential is there.

And that is what I plan to watch and post about, the nascent Warner campaign for President, as it searches for message, appeal and a chance to be part of the 2008 public debate.  I am expecting it to be a fun ride.

Daniel Dennison: "Democratic organizer: VP Evanston Democratic Party of Evanston, Kerry 2004 Volunteer Coordinator IL 9th, Illinois Kerry Traveler Organizer, Coordinator IL Committee of 100, 2004 Iowa Caucus veteran (for Kerry)"

Eric Davis is also listed as a contributor.

This somewhat offbeat site promoted "Mark Warner is Good!" tee-shirts to advance its "over-arching goal… to make progressive politics fashionable."  "Our country needs to head a new direction, and Mark Warner can take us there," the authors wrote.  (more)
Copyright © 2006  Eric M. Appleman/Democracy in Action