Bring Ohio Back

"Dave & Joe" ad: "Nuts!"
30 sec. TV ad run in OH, mid-Oct. 2008.

Produced by Jonathan Crannin

McCain (on TV monitor): Without privatization, I don't see how young Americans are able to receive Social Security.

Joe: Sen. McCain wants to invest our Social Security in the stock market.  Is he unaware of what's been going on with those guys on Wall Street, because that's nuts.  Either that or somehow it's totally brilliant.

Phil?   Phil: Nuts.

Sue?  Sue: Nuts.

Crowd of voices: Nuts.

Male Announcer: Call Sen. McCain and tell him don't privatize Social Security.

Joe: What's wrong with John McCain?

Male Announcer: Bring Ohio Back is responsible for the content of this advertising.

Bring Ohio Back

"Dave & Joe" ad: "Beer Gut"
30 sec. TV ad run in OH, mid-Oct. 2008.

Produced by Jonathan Crannin

McCain (on TV monitor): Our economy -- I think the fundamentals of our economy are strong.

Joe: So what Sen. McCain is saying is that the recession is not real.  It's just a figment of your imagination.  The price of gas.  Guess what?  This beer gut -- not real.  I'm so lonely -- not real. 

Dave: Unibrow -- not real.

Man: Hey!

Male Announcer: Call Sen. McCain and tell him the economy is not okay.

Joe: What's wrong with John McCain?

Male Announcer: Bring Ohio Back is responsible for the content of this advertising.

Bring Ohio Back

"Dave & Joe" ad: "Pinch"
30 sec. TV ad run in OH, mid-Oct. 2008.

Produced by Jonathan Crannin

Commentator (on TV monitor): What McCain would do is tax health care benefits.

Joe: What?  Now he wants to tax our health care.  That is crazy.  While you're at it, gimme your whole paycheck, right?  'Cause that's what I need -- I need somebody deducting more of my paycheck.  I'm not gonna raise the taxes -- remember when he said that?

Dave: Yes

Joe: Somebody pinch me, 'cause I need to wake up.  Ow!  What are you doing with the pinching?

Male Announcer: Call Sen. McCain and tell him don't tax our health care.

Joe: What's wrong with John McCain?

Male Announcer: Bring Ohio Back is responsible for the content of this advertising.

Bring Ohio Back

"Dave & Joe" ad: "Waitress"
30 sec. TV ad run in OH, mid-Oct. 2008.

Produced by Jonathan Crannin

McCain (on TV monitor): ...people will no longer be able to buy homes and their life savings will be at stake.

Joe: Shouldn't a leader be calming us down at a time like this?  All this freaking out has the opposite effect.

Dave: Think so?

Joe: Watch that glass!

[sound: waitress dropping glasses]

Dave: Yeah, I see what you mean.

Male Announcer: Call Sen. McCain and tell him panicking is not a solution.

Joe: What's wrong with John McCain?

Male Announcer: Bring Ohio Back is responsible for the content of this advertising.

Notes: These four "two guys in a bar" ads were well produced and somewhat amusing.  The tag line "What's wrong with John McCain?" is rather inartful though.