neutral Divided We Fail ...> ONE Campaign ...> |
McCain-Palin ACORN -"Not this Time" (Oct. 30, 2008 - DC, NY, Los Angeles). AFL-CIO -"Not Now" (July 8, 2008 - MI, MN, OH, PA, VA and WI). AFSCME PEOPLE -"Veterans" (Oct. 18, 2008 - NM). -"Security" (Oct. 18, 2008 - WI). AFT-COPE -"Like Me" and "Working Hard" (radio, Oct. 20, 2008 - FL, OH, PA, NH, NM, VA, WV and WI). Alliance for Retired Americans -"Privatizer" (Oct. 22, 2008 - CO, NH, OH, PA). -"McCain Disgrace" (three-day buy in July and in Aug. 2008 - select markets in PA). Brave New PAC and Democracy for America -"Medical Records" (Sept. 25, 2008). -Phillip Butler ad (mid-Sept. 2008). Bring Ohio Back -"Wrecking Ball" (beg. of Nov. 2008 - OH). -What's Wrong with John McCain ad (OH). -"Dave & Joe" ads (Oct. 13, 2008 - OH). Campaign Money Watch -"Gambling" (Oct. 27, 2008 - nat'l cable, Tallahassee, FL, Roanoke/Lynchburg, VA). -"The McCain File" (June 9, 2008 - broadcast and cable in DC). Catholics United -Actions Speak Louder than Words (Sept. 19, 2008 - cable OH, PA, MI). Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund -"Brutal" (Sept. 12, 2008 - FL, MI, OH; later expanded). Friends of Earth Action -"Trillions More" (April 16, 2008 - nat'l cable). Health Care for America Now -"Fighter" (Oct. 8, 2008 - nat'l cable, OH). Political Action -"Moose" (Oct. 21, 2008 - coinciding with Palin visits). -"Talk to Your Parents" (Oct. 14, 2008 - on CW and on MTV and Comedy Central in NC and NV). -"My Friends" (Sept. 16, 2008 - nat'l cable, some key states). -"Gimmick" (July 31, 2008 - $150,000 "in markets to be determined"). -"It Could Happen to You" (July 28, 2008 - MTV and Comedy Central). -"Timeline" (July 16, 2008 - nat'l cable). -"Not Alex" (June 17, 2008 - nat'l cable and OH, MI and WI). ...jointly with AFSCME PEOPLE -"Betcha Can't Tell Them Apart" (June 11, 2008 - nationally on Bravo and in DC on MSNBC, Comedy Central and CNN). -"Bush-McCain Challenge" (May 27, 2008 - nat'l cable and Phoenix, AZ). -"Obamacan" (May 12, 2008 - nat'l cable and OH, WI and CO).* -"Candles" (April 30, 2008 - nat'l cable and IA and NM). Matthew 25 Network -Tony Hall ad (radio, Sept. 22, 2008 - OH). -TV ad (Aug. 16, 2008 - run during Saddleback forum). -first ad (radio, July 2008 - Colorado Springs, CO). National Nurses Organizing Committee/California Nurses Association "One Heartbeat Away" (Sept. 30, 2008 - CO, MI, MN, MO, OH and WI). Planned Parenthood Action Fund -"Worse for Women" (Oct. 24, 2008 - No. VA and DC). -"Another Politician" (Sept. 12, 2008 - Pittsburgh, PA and Denver, CO). -Out of Touch on Birth Control (July 16, 2008 - nat'l cable and battleground states). PowerPAC -"Protect" and "Hair Salon-Part 2" (radio, Oct. 16, 2008 - NC). -"What Matters" (English and Spanish, Aug. 21, 2008 - NM). Progressive Future -"American Tune" (Nov. 1, 2008 - national cable). -"Better Off" (Oct. 29, 2008 - FL, OH). SEIU COPE and SEIU -"Meghan" (end of Oct. 2008 - OH). -"Worried Sick" (Oct. 6, 2008 - "in two battleground states"). -"Family" (Sept. 14, 2008 - IA, MI, NM, OH, PA, WI). -Radio ad (radio, beginning of Sept. 2008 - Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN). -"Feeling the Pain" (late April 2008 - OH). Sierra Club Political Committee -"American Jobs" (radio, Oct. 8, 2008 - Cleveland, Akron, Canton, and Youngstown). -"Full Nelson" (July 31, 2008 - DC, OH, CO and NH). PAC ...> -Darrell Hanschen", "Sandy," "Barclay Hastings" examples of the Local Voices ads (Oct. 2008 - MO, NV, OH). UAW Voluntary Community Action Program (V-CAP) -Nicole ad (Oct. 7, 2008 - IN, MI, OH, PA). -Joel ad (Oct. 7, 2008 - IN, MI, OH, PA). United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) "Coal's Future" - (radio, Fall 2008 - Western PA, Southwest VA, WV, and eastern OH). (UFCW) -"Part of the Problem" (Sept. 18, 2008 - MI, MO, NV, NH, OH, PA, VA). Winning Message Action Fund -Mug Shot ad (Oct. 25, 2008 - OH). -How Much Time ad (early Oct. 2008) |
American Issues Project -"Know Enough?" (Aug. 21, 2008 - MI, PA, OH, VA). -Gianna responds ad (Oct. 27, 2008 - Cleveland, OH). -Gianna ad (Sept. 15, 2008 - OH, NM). Citizens Against Government Waste PAC -title? (Oct. 9, 2008 - FL, OH, PA, VA). Citizens United -"Hype" movie promo (July 21, 2008 - cable). Committee for Truth in Politics ...> -"Tragic, but True" (Oct. 9, 2008 - Pittsburgh, PA). -"Basic Rights" (Oct. 2, 2008 - NC, PA, WI). Family Research Council Action PAC -"Draw the Line: Barack Obama and PBA" (Oct. 31, 2008 - VA broadcast). -FOCA ad (Oct. 14, 2008 - DC). Freedom's Defense Fund -series of ads (starting Sept. 5, 2008 - Macomb County, MI). Judicial Confirmation Network -"America" (Oct. 23, 2008 - markets in OH, Pittsburgh, PA and no. WV). -"Choose" (ea. Oct. 2008 - nat'l cable, markets in MI, OH, PA). Let Freedom Ring ...> -"Gaffney/Obama/Biden" (latter part of Oct. 2008 - nat'l cable, battleground states). -"Puzzle" and "Part of the Problem" (2nd week Oct. 2008 - nat'l cable, battleground states). -"Robby George on Judicial Choices" (Oct. 2008). -"Union Elections-Card Check" (Oct. 13, 2008 - nat'l cable, battleground states). -"Both Ways Barack" (July 22, 2008 - MSNBC, CNN, Fox News, VH1 and MTV). National Republican Trust PAC...> -"Obama and Wright: He Never Complained Once" (Oct. 27, 2008). -"Social Security for Illegal Aliens" (Oct. 26, 2008 - FL, NV, OH, PA). -"License" (Oct. 16, 2008 - FL, OH, PA). NRA Political Victory Fund...> -"An Outlaw's Worst Nightmare" (end of Oct. 2008). -"Imagine" (latter part of Oct. 2008 - OH). -"Truth Squad" -"Words" -"Texas Law Enforcement Officer" (ea. Oct. 2008) -"Texas Law Enforcement Officer" (Spanish) -"Way of Life" (Sept. 22, 2008). -"Veteran" (Sept. 22, 2008). -"Hunter" (Sept. 22, 2008). -"Pennsylvania Values" (Sept. 22, 2008). -"Reasons" (radio). Our Country Deserves Better ...> Pennsylvania Republican Party -"Judgment" (Nov. 1, 2008 - PA). ...> -"The Real Barack Obama" (ea. Oct. 2008 - Erie and Pittsburgh, PA). Republican Jewish Coalition -"Concerned About Obama?" (Oct. 20, 2008 - FL, NV, OH, PA). ...> -"Crisis" (Nov. 1, 2008). -"Bailout" (Oct. 15, 2008 - cable). -"Fought Reform" (Oct. 3, 2008 - cable). -"Fighting" (Oct. 3, 2008 - cable). -"Angry" (ea. Oct. 2008 - cable). -"Bungee" (Sept. 16, 2008 - cable). Vets for Freedom -"One Letter" (Nov. 4, 2008 - OH, PA). -"Skipped" (Oct. 1-9, 2008 - CA). -"Petraeus v. Obama" (Sept. 17, 2008 - nat'l cable). -"Re-enlistment" (Sept. 2, 2008 - Minneapolis, MN). -"I am the Surge" (Aug. 28, 2008 - Denver, CO; then in Minneapolis, MN; and in CO, MI, OH, VA through mid-Sept. 2008). -"Some in Washington" (July 16, 2008 - MI, NM, OH, PA, VA and cable). also National Right to Life PAC -"Waiting for Obama's Apology" (did it run?) Real Truth About Obama, Inc. litigation |
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