McCain-Palin 2008

60-second radio ad run in WV starting approx. Oct. 28, 2008.

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[No Music] Male Announcer: Clean coal is important to America and to West Virginia.  For West Virginians coal means thousands of jobs, economic growth, more affordable electricity.  For Americans coal means energy independence.  And clean coal means cleaner air.

But Obama-Biden and their liberal allies oppose clean coal.

Listen to Joe Biden:

Biden clip: "...No coal plants here in America..."

Voice (Biden?): "...we're not supporting clean coal"

Announcer: No coal plants in America?  No jobs in West Virginia?  No energy independence for America?

It's no surprise.  After all Obama-Biden and their liberal allies opposed offshore drilling.  Congressional liberals blocked offshore drilling, putting special interests before our interests.

Obama-Biden and their liberal allies.  Too risky for our jobs, our economic future.

Paid for by McCain-Palin 2008 and the Republican National Committee.

McCain: I'm John McCain and I approve this message.