Obama for America

"Dos Caras"
30-second ad run in CO, NV and NM starting Sept. 17, 2008

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Obama (voiceover): Soy Barack Obama y apruebo este mensaje.
[Music] Male Announcer: Quieren que olvidemos los insultos que hemos aguantado…
la intolerancia …
nos hicieron sentir marginados en este país que tanto queremos.
John McCain y sus amigos republicanos tienen dos caras…
Una dice mentiras para conseguir nuestro voto.
…y la otra, peor todavía, sigue las políticas fracasadas de George Bush, poniendo los intereses de grupos poderosos por encima de las familias trabajadoras.
John McCain … más de los mismos engaños republicanos ...

Obama (voiceover): I'm Barack Obama and I approve this message (He says this in Spanish). 

Announcer: They want us to forget the insults we’ve put up with…
the intolerance…
they made us feel marginalized in this country we love so much.
John McCain and his Republican friends have two faces.
One that says lies just to get our vote …
… and another, even worse, that continues the failed policies of George Bush that put special interests ahead of working families.
John McCain … more of the same old Republican tricks.

Notes: This ad was released on the day that Obama outlined his "New Energy for America Plan" in a speech in Lansing, MI.  McCain campaign spokesman Tucker Bounds responded with this statement:

Notes: This and the companion radio ad are in response to the McCain ad "De que lado estan?"