December 4, 2006
I have decided, after much prayerful consideration, to consider a bid for the Republican nomination for the presidency.
I am running to spread hope and ideas. We are a blessed nation at an important crossroads. War, corruption, disintegrating families, and for some, hopelessness, tear at the American Dream. We need hope and ideas.
I am running for America…to be of service in a crucial time of trial.
Ours is an exceptional nation. A nation between two oceans made up of people from every nation on earth. A great nation united by our ideals. But we are a great nation because of our goodness. If we ever lose our goodness, we will surely lose our greatness.
We believe in a culture of life—that every human life is a beautiful, sacred, unique child of a loving God.
We believe in justice for all—at all times.
We believe in liberty.
But the central institutions that best transmit these values—the family and the culture—are under withering attack.
We must renew our families and rebuild our culture!
We need to revitalize marriage, support the formation of families, and encourage a culture of commitment.
We need a culture that encourages what is right and discourages what is wrong—and has the wisdom to understand the difference.
Each generation of Americans is called upon to carry the torch of virtue during its brief season. If one generation lets the torch fall, its light is extinguished for all future generations.
That’s a big responsibility, but we can achieve it if we pick up the torch with courage, generosity, and realism. We must meet and fulfill the job we are called to accomplish in our day. The time to act to insure our future as a nation is now.
Problems abound. The federal government wastes and spends too much. We lack compassionate yet practical programs to help the poor here and around the world. We need energy independence and alternative, clean-burning, domestic-grown fuels. The scourge of cancer has killed too many and must be stopped. We need term limits for judges and members of Congress like we have for the President. We need a flat tax instead of the dreadful, incomprehensible tax code we now have.
And we need humility.
While I am proud to be an American, when I consider my citizenship and the responsibilities it carries today in the light of eternity, I am more humbled by it. We have been given much and will be held to account for what we have been given.
I ask mostly for your prayers. Pray for America, that our division as a people might end and that our land be healed.
Thank you for your interest and support. Thank you for your prayers. Please join our campaign of national renewal and hope for the future!
God Bless you, and God Bless this nation
we love so dearly,
Sam Brownback