Not in 2008: A source who works for the City of Anaheim stated in a April 28, 2006 e-mail, "There will be a tremendous amount of development taking place within Anaheim at that time, as such it will not be an ideal time to host the convention.  City leaders will reconsider for 2012."

Anaheim 2008 Convention Host Committee
222 S. Harbor Blvd., Suite 730   Anaheim, CA  92805

February 13, 2006

Governor Howard Dean
Democratic National Committee
430 S. Capitol Street, SE
Washington, DC  20003

Dear Governor Dean:

Please accept this letter as our expression of the City of Anaheim's interest to host the Democratic National Convention in 2008.

Anaheim would be an excellent location to hold the 2008 convention.  Located in the heart of southern California, Anaheim/Orange County is home to professional sports teams, world-class amusement parks and fosters a thriving and diverse ethnic community.  In addition, Anaheim/Orange County is in close proximity to all major southern California freeways and airports and possesses access to over 50,000 hotel rooms.

There are a number of advantages to holding the 2008 Democratic National Convention in the Anaheim/Orange County area.  The City would like to present these advantages to you in further detail through your RFP process.  I'd like to request that an RFP to host the convention be sent to the address above via our committee established to respond to your process, so our City can begin preparing a competitive response.

The City of Anaheim looks forward to exploring this exciting opportunity with the Democratic National Committee.


Curt Pringle
City of Anaheim