Not in 2008: In response to the DNC's Nov. 2005 letter of invitation, the City of San Antonio had expressed interest in receiving an RFP via telephone.  On April 5, 2006 the City sent a letter to the DNC (text reprinted below) and a virtually identical letter to the RNC, declining to bid to host a convention.


April 5, 2006

Howard Dean, Chairman
Democratic Party Headquarters
430 South Capitol Street, SE
Washington, DC  20003

Dear Mr. Dean,

Thank you for considering San Antonio as a site for your 2008 National Convention.  As much as we would welcome the prestige and great publicity associated with an event of this magnitude, we have to regret bidding on your convention.

San Antonio is an extremely popular convention destination, and we have many large conventions scheduled for the summer months of 2008.  Unfortunately, we would have to relocate nearly two dozen conferences, including many long term customers in order to meet the requirements to host your convention.

San Antonio continues to grow and offers a tremendous setting for conferences.  We have several exciting new hotel projects under construction and one of the most beautiful and functional convention facilities in the country.  Please keep San Antonio in mind for future opportunities.


Phil Hardberger

Copy: Matthew D. Nugen

P.O. BOX 839966  -  SAN ANTONIO, TX  78283-3966  -  (210) 207-7060  -  FAX: (210) 207-4168