In addition to the
official inaugural balls
organized by the PIC, over sixty unofficial inaugural balls on
evenings of January 17 through January 20 will keep area hotels, limo drivers and caterers busy. Many of the balls are sponsored by
state society
organizations in Washington, DC, and some of these events have long
traditions. A variety of
interest groups are also hosting inaugural balls as
fundraisers/benefits, for others a
small percentage of the ticket price
will be
donated to charity,
a few seem to be straight commercial venues.
Organizers are always
looking for sponsors. These unofficial balls come with the
proviso that, "President
Obama has been invited,
however, we cannot guarantee that he will be in attendance." A
sampling; for a more comprehensive list see the Washingtonian.
are Washington, DC unless
otherwise indicated. Events may be sold out; intersested persons
should contact the organizers.
January 17, 2009 The
Green Inaugural Ball: Maximum Celebration, Minimal Impact+ Host: Event Emissary,
Washington DC’s first green event planning company. Venue:
Andrew W. Mellon Auditorium. Tickets: $500 per person. Quotable: "...the
first Inaugural event designed to be carbon-neutral... Event Emissary has designed The Green Ball
to have a minimal impact
while maintaining the aesthetics, quality and standards expected from
an Inaugural ball experience."
H.O.P.E. (Honoring Our President Elect)
Inaugural Youth Ball Host: J Star Productions,
Inc. in association with Code Blue. Venue:
Trinity Center, Trinity University. Tickets:
Early purchase special $77.50. Quotable:
"This event will give youth the opportunity to share in the inaugural
festivities surrounding the swearing in of President-elect Barack
Obama." Proceeds will be donated to: National Network for Youth.
Inaugural Ball Host: DC Statehood Fund,
Prometheus Labor Communications, Gertrude Stein Democratic Club. Venue:
The Historical Society of Washington, DC. Tickets:
$125 for general admission; $250 for host committee VIP pass. Quotable:
"We made the calls, we knocked on the doors, and wrote
the checks, now it is time to come together and celebrate the role
grassroots organizing played in electing Barack Obama and Joe Biden."Two related events:
Premier on Jan. 16 and LGBT Gayla on Jan. 18.
Sunday, January 18, 2009 African
American Church Inaugural Ball Host: Venue: The Grand Hyatt Washington, Independence Ballroom. Tickets:
Individual $250; VIP $500. Quotable:
"The theme of The African American Church Inaugural Ball
is 'We Have Come This Far By
There are two distinct purposes for The African American Church
Inaugural Ball:
1. To allow the collective community of the African American Church to
join in the congratulatory efforts of the nation; and 2. To support the
charity, The Balm In Gilead, as it endeavors to provide health
education and service delivery systems within African American church
denominations to address HIV/AIDS and other health concerns which
affect African Americans."
The African Diaspora Inaugural Ball Host: African Diaspora for
Change (formerly
African Diaspora for Obama-ADO)in partnership with Africa Aspire. ...The mission of African
Diaspora for Change (ADC) is to create an alliance of African Diaspora
voices representing the common concerns as a constituency in the U.S.
and affect change through education, empowerment and engagement of the
next generation of leaders. Venue:
Center for the Arts. Tickets: General admission before Jan. 15 is $225;
after Jan. 15 is $250; VIP is $500. Quotable:
"Our theme—“I AM THE CHANGE: Educating, Empowering
and Engaging the Next Generation of Leaders,”—highlights
the importance of investing in the education and empowerment of the
next generation. 100% of proceeds will go to: Angelique Kidjo’s Batonga Foundation,ensuring that the organization is able to continue its
outreach to children throughout Africa; and First Book, a nonprofit organization
that provides new books to children in low income communities."
African Inaugural Ball Host: The Africa Foundation. Venue:
Hilton Silver Spring, Silver Spring, MD. Tickets:
One for $150, two for $199.99, including all taxes and processing
fees. Quotable:
"Celebrate Obama African Style! African Cultural Dances
- Live Musical Performances - High-profile Guest
Appearances - Dance space for D.J. Music -
Soukous - Makossa - Afro Beat -
Soca - Reggae."
Aloha Inaugural Ball Host: The Aloha Inaugural
Ball is a not-for-profit Washington, D.C. corporation. Venue:
Marriott Wardman Hotel. Tickets:
General admission $300. Quotable:
"The Aloha Ball is a kick-off event put on by Obama supporters to
welcome everyone from around the country. Come and feel the Aloha
spirit. Come and learn about the special place that nurtured our new
president and gave him his early world view."
The Children's Inaugural Ball Host:
The Every Child Matters Education Fund. Venue: Historical Society of Washington, DC. Tickets: Free; RSVP list opens on January 2. Quotable:
"This is a
unique, family-friendly activity being crafted in collaboration with
national and local children's organizations that will incorporate: Live
Music, Entertainment, and Special Guests; Interactive and Educational
Exhibits; The Storytime and Puppet Stage; The Inaugural Classroom;
Presidents Helping Children - a History Project; Inaugural Memories: a
Recorded History Project (including Storycorps); A Baby and Toddler
Playroom; Fun food; Crafts and games."
Disability Power and
Pride Inaugural Ball Host: Natalie P. Shear Associates. Venue: National Press
Club. Tickets: $100. Quotable:
"Reflecting the growing strength and stature of the community – and
celebrating Life Without Limits – the event will draw officials of the
new administration and Members of Congress, along with hundreds of
disability leaders, advocates and allies."
"Dreams from My Father" American Scholars
Inaugural Ball Hosts:
The American Scholars Inaugural Ball Committee; National Intellectual
Property Law Institute; The Hip Hop Caucus; Dave & Ray
Entertainment; Fete Select TV. Venue:
Four Seasons Hotel, Georgetown. Tickets:
Tiered pricing: $350 and $550. Quotable:
"Featuring 1,500 of the most distinguished talents from academia,
industry, and politics as well as several acclaimed celebrity guests in
music and film; high-end cocktail reception, catered by the Four
Seasons event staff; formal tributes to notable scholars, identified
for their direct contributions to eduction; live musical performances
and celebrity hosts.
Me to the Moon!: The California Bash Host:
California Democratic Party. Venue:
Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum. Tickets:
Individual $150; $200 after 12/29.
Foreign Diplomats Inaugural Ball Host: conjunction with
the Embassy of the Federal Republic of
Ethiopia Venue:
James Monroe Mansion. Tickets:
$350 per person. Quotable:
"A VIP Reception will take place from 5:30-7:00 pm followed by a dinner
reception featuring cocktails, dancing, trans-continental cuisine from
Ethiopia and other African nations and performances by Ethiopian-born
Grammy nominated artist, Wayna and master African drummer Asante
Okyerema from
7:00pm to 11:00 pm."
Produced by Enjoyment Enjoyment Inc, in conjunction with JJ Ghatt
Public Relations LLC and TMK Sports and Entertainment LLC.
Latino Inaugural Gala 2009 Venue: Union Station. Tickets: $200 each. Quotable: "Please join
the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute (CHCI), the
Congressional Hispanic Leadership Institute (CHLI), Democratic National
Committee Hispanic Caucus, the League of United Latin American Citizens
(LULAC), the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed
Officials (NALEO), the National Council of La Raza (NCLR), Voto Latino,
Latino elected officials and community leaders from across the country,
as well as Latino celebrities to celebrate a night of
history-in-the-making. Hispanic voices were heard in unprecedented
numbers in this presidential election. The Latino community united in a
unique way – and it is coming together on Sunday, January 18th, to once
again celebrate this historic election."
The Lincoln 2.0 Inaugural
Ball Host: Smithsonian Art Museum
and The American Experience Foundation, a 501(c)(3) public charity and
affiliate of Destination DC that develops national programs to educate
the public about the arts, culture, American democracy and unique
heritage of Washington, D.C.. Venue:
Smithsonian American Art Museum, Kogod Courtyard. Tickets:
$375 for general admission or $500 for VIP tickets. Quotable:
"Beyond all the components of a spectacular party with a magnificent
venue, wonderful food and beverages, and world-class entertainment, our
guests will be treated to a slice of history. You will actually
attend an Inaugural Ball in the same building where President Lincoln
hosted his ball in 1865. The Museum’s Lincoln Gallery will be open that
evening. In addition, a special exhibition entitled – The Honor
of Your Company is Requested: Lincoln 2.0 Inaugural Ball - will be on
display with rarely seen engravings and artifacts."
A Gala Celebration Host: National
Association of Manufacturers. Venue: Ronald Reagan
International Trade Center, Atrium Ballroom. Tickets: $200.
Tickets for luncheon on Jan. 19 are $75. Quotable: "Strength of
the Past - Power of the Present - Progress for the Future."
The Maryland Inaugural Ball Host: Maryland Democratic
Party. Venue: The Mayflower
Hotel. Tickets: (sold
out). Quotable: "This Wonderful
Evening of Music and Dancing will include special guests such as the
renowned actor and tap dancer, Savion
Glover and others to be
announced soon!"
Monday, January 19, 2009 Arkansas Inaugural Gala Host: Arkansas State Society
of Washington, DC. Venue: National Press
Club Main Ballroom (initially scheduled for The Washington
Court Hotel). Tickets: A single ticket
is: $150 for VIP and $125 for General Admission. Quotable: "This formal
reception and dance on the evening before
the Inauguration will be attended by some 1,000 celebrants. Invited
dignitaries include President-elect Barack Obama, former President Bill
Clinton, Governor Mike Beebe, Senator Blanche Lincoln, Senator Mark
Pryor, the Arkansas members of the U.S. House of Representatives, and
other elected officials. Spectacular continuous entertainment will be
presented by The Great Expectations Band and The Rick Sickmen Band.
And following a sumptuous reception presented by the National Press
Club’s renowned chef and wait staff, dancing to an outstanding band
with music for all ages will carry our celebration into the late
evening hours."
Dream Makers Inaugural Ball Host:C Four Marketing Solutions Venue:
Bobby Vans Grill. Tickets:
$250. Quotable:
1. A HISTORICAL EVENT – Celebration of the 80th Birthday of Dr.
Martin Luther King, the Inauguration of President Barack Obama and the
awards ceremony of the three honorees. 2. ENTERTAINMENT – Performances
by Bebe Winans, Tony Rich Project, and Soul Food Jazz. 3.
HONOREES – Rev. Jesse Jackson, Rev. Al Sharpton, and U.S. Congressman
John Lewis have confirmed to accept the Dream Makers Award. 4.
“YES WE CAN” LOUNGE – VIP room for the artists from Hidden Beach
Recordings. Several celebrities, entertainers, and athletes have been
invited to this room. 5. FOOD& BEVERAGE – Southern style
cuisine specially prepared by Bobby Vans Grill. VICTORY
JUICE, a combination of 100% organic juices provided by R.W. Knudsen
Organic juices. In addition open bar throughout the evening to include
Wine, Vodka, Beer, GIN, Cognac, Champagne and Non Alcoholic Champagne
all night long. Birthday Cake for Dr. Martin Luther King
birthday. 6.
SOUVENIR ITEMS – Every guest will receive a free 6oz. champagne flute,
a pictorial essay souvenir booklet of the journey from slavery to the
White House in addition to other gift of items. 7. WINE &
CHEESE – Cocktail reception open to all media and attendees from 7:00pm
– 8:00pm which will be a great time socialize and network with several
people. 8. LOCATION – Bobby Van Grill is centrally located in
downtown Washington, DC; close to DC’s METRO RED line Metro
Center. 9. INVITED GUEST – Personal invites have been sent to all
the members of Congressional Black Caucus, DC Council, Mayors
Associations and several fraternity organizations. 10. DRESS CODE –
Black Tie Optional so the option to dress formally or business casual
is yours." Sunshine and Stars -
2009 Florida Inaugural Ball Host: Florida
House and Florida State Society. Venue: Corcoran Gallery
of Art.
Georgia Inaugural Gala Host:
The Georgia State Society of Washington, D.C. Venue: Smithsonian
National Museum of Natural History. Tickets: Individual
ticket $200. Quotable: "Great Georgia food and beverages and live
musical entertainment." The Illinois
Inaugural Gala Host: Illinois State
Society. Venue:
Renaissance Washington DC Hotel. Tickets:
"Ticket sales for the Gala Reception, Dinner, and Ball are $500 per
person. Holders of these tickets will be seated in the ancillary
ballroom as the main ballroom is sold out. There will be dinner
entertainment and live feeds to the main ballroom. Tickets for the Gala
Ball only are available for $300 per ticket until December 15, 2008.
After December, 15, 2008, Gala Ball only tickets will be $400. Tickets
are non-refundable. Tickets for the Gala Ball will include
complimentary food and beverages." Quotable:
"The entire banquet facilities of the Renaissance Hotel (four
ballrooms, three grand foyers, and all the private meeting rooms) will
be magically transformed to highlight the many magnificent cities,
towns, riverfronts, and historical sites of Illinois."
Inaugural Ball 2009 Host: Indiana Society of
Washington, D.C.. Venue:
Omni Shoreham Regency Ballroom. Quotable:
"On Monday, January 19, 2009, in keeping with a long tradition, the
Indiana Society of Washington, D.C., will again host a glittering
Inaugural Ball at the historic Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington. For
many decades, Hoosiers and their friends have gathered every four years
at this black tie Gala to celebrate the Inauguration. This formal
sit down dinner dance on the eve of the Inauguration will be attended
by some 1,200 celebrants. Invited dignitaries include
President-elect Barack Obama, Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels, Senator
Richard Lugar, Senator Evan Bayh, the Indiana Members of the U.S. House
of Representatives and members of the Indiana General Assembly.
Spectacular entertainment will be presented by the Singing Hoosiers
from Indiana University. And following a sumptuous dinner
presented by the Omni Shoreham’s renowned chef and wait staff, dancing
to the Donati Orchestra’s incomparable music for all ages will carry
our celebration into the late evening hours."
Kentucky Bluegrass Ball Host: The Kentucky
Society of Washington, DC. Venue: Marriott Wardman
Park. Tickets: Membership
price of $175 each. Quotable: "The menu will
consist of Kentucky inspired foods with most of the ingredients being
shipped in from Kentucky. Attending dignitaries usually
include Governor Steve Beshear and the entire Kentucky
Congressional delegation. Over 1200 people are expected
with over 75% coming up from Kentucky. The first Bluegrass Ball
was held in 1949, when Vice-President Alben W. Barkley was honored by
the Society... Chef Michael Paley of the renowned restaurant,
"Proof on Main", in Louisville Kentucky has been chosen to be the
executive chef at the 2009 Kentucky Bluegrass Ball."
Black Tie
& Boots Inaugural Ball and Texas Fair Host: Texas State
Society. Venue:Gaylord National Resort
& Convention Center, National Harbor, MD. Tickets: Quotable: "...the Texas Fair has hosted businesses
and organizations from throughout Texas to show what our “Great State”
has to offer. The Texas Fair will be open on Sunday, January 18th
as well as Monday, the 19th during the day and throughout the evening
of the ball."
Green Inaugural Ball+
Host:Smithsonian American Art Museum and National Portrait
Gallery. Honorary Chair Former Vice President Al Gore. Venue: Donald W. Reynolds
Center for American Art and
Portraiture Tickets: "Due to
overwhelming demand, tickets to the Green Ball sold out in 15 minutes."
Quotable: "The Green
Inaugural Ball brings together more than 75 environmental,
labor, business, civil justice, and community organizations and
sponsors to celebrate the strength and diversity of those committed to
creating the new clean economy that will repower, rebuild, refuel and
restore America."
HBCU Inaugural Gala Ball Venue: Sequoia at Washington Harbor. Tickets: $300. Three
sponsorship levels (Platinum $25,000, Gold $10,000, Silver $5,000). Quotable: "Please join us as we
celebrate the Martin Luther King, Jr Holiday and the Inauguration of
our 44th U.S. President, Barack Obama. The HBCU Inaugural Gala
Ball will feature live music, food, drinks, and dancing... The
HBCU Inaugural Gala Ball is for alumni, students, faculty/staff of
Historically Black Colleges & Universities and anyone else who
would like to join us in celebrating this momentous occasion."
Hip-Hop Inaugural Ball Host: Russell
Simmons, LL Cool J, T.I. and Young Jeezy. Venue: The Harman Center. Tickets: $250
(pre-sales), $500 (limited), $1,000 (general) ($2,500 VIP).
Quotable: All proceeds go to benefit the Hip Hop Summit Action
Network, a non-profit, non-partisan organization.
Historic Inaugural Ball Host: Changeworks
LLC. Venue: Historical
Society of Washington, DC. Tickets: $200.
Limited to 10 per customer. Quotable: "The
Historical Inaugural Ball is a celebration and commemoration of two
monumental events: the Inauguration of President Elect Barack Obama and
the National Birthday Celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr."
Black Chamber of Commerce & NNPA Foundation Inaugural Gala Host:National Black Chamber of Commerce and the
National Newspaper Publishers Association Foundation. Venue: French Embassy. Tickets: $250. Quotable:
"Purchase of Ticket includes: Dinner, Entertainment and Commemorative
Book, Bar Sponsored by Hennessy... The Gala benefits
the NNPA Foundation and the NNPA Media Services Wing of the
John H. Johnson School of Communications at Howard
Pearl Presidential Inaugural
Gala Host: Co-chairs are Senator
Daniel Inouye, Senator Daniel
Akaka, Former Secretary Norman Y. Mineta and Congressman Mike Honda,
DNC Vice-chair and Chair of the Congressional Asian Pacific American
Caucus. Venue:
Mandarin Oriental Hotel. Tickets:(sold out). Quotable:
"The gala is being organized for the benefit of the Asian Pacific
American community and ANYONE who is interested in having a memorable
evening ushering in a new era, a historic Presidency
and a fresh direction for our country... The morning conference
will include discussions about voting results, the political
appointment process and the legislative issues for the next Congress.
The evening gala will begin at 7 p.m. and end at midnight. Enjoy
fine dining and entertainment showcasing various Asian
countries... Place your winning bid in an auction featuring
precious gems and other commemorative inaugural items. Proceeds
from the auction and sales will be for the benefit of the Smithsonian
Asian Pacific American Program. Top off the evening with a
sumptuous dessert reception and dance the night away." [produced by Youngberg &
Tuesday, January 20, 2009 2009
State Society of Arizona Inaugural Ball Host: State Society of Arizona. Venue:
The Historical Society of
Washington, D.C.. Tickets: A
single ticket is: $175; Couple ticket: $300. Quotable: "...four hours
of dancing, heavy hors d'Oeuvres and
open bar. The Inaugural Ball Committee
is working with a premiere D.C. caterer and event planner to ensure that
the event is remembered
for its great food, flowing libations and decor. Souvenir gifts
will also be distributed at the event." ("This will be the second
Inaugural Ball hosted by the State Society, we dipped our toe in the
water back in 2005...")
2009 Garden State
Inaugural Gala Host: New Jersey
State Society. Venue: Washington Court
Hotel. Tickets: (sold out). Quotable: "...will feature top notch
live musical entertainment by the ‘B Street
Band,’ the number one Bruce Springsteen tribute band for over two
decades, a Monte Carlo style casino room, fine food and beverages
including a Ketel One Ice-Sculpted Serving Bar, and hundreds of guests
including Members of Congress, Congressional staff, local and state
government officials, party leaders, the media, representatives from
over 25 sponsoring NJ companies and organizations, as well as surprise
celebrity guests."
Pennsylvania Inaugural Gala Host: Pennsylvania Society of
Washington, DC. Venue: Ritz-Carlton
Hotel. Tickets: (sold
out). Notes: "The 2009
Pennsylvania Inaugural Gala, 'A Night of Stars,' will feature live
musical entertainment from Mark Rivera Entertainment, dancing,
fantastic food and an open bar. Master of Ceremonies will be Tony
Perkins of FOX News. It will be a special day for Pennsylvanians
and a spectacular event as we honor the 44th President of the United
States and his Administration."
State Society Inaugural Ball Host: Tennessee
State Society. Venue: City Tavern Club
(Georgetown). Tickets: $130 per person
and $250 per couple.
American Indian
Inaugural Ball Host: The American
Indian Society of Washington, DC. Venue: Hyatt Regency
Crystal City at Reagan National Airport, Arlington, VA. Tickets:$140 per person for the Inaugural Ball
includes Wednesday's Brunch. $110 per person for the Inaugural Ball
only. At the Door: $150 per
person for the Inaugural Ball only. Quotable:
"...brings together Native leaders, organizations, artists, musicians,
and professionals from across the country." Theme is "A
Celebration of Many Nations - One People."
Inaugural Ball -- cancelled about a day before the
event due to failure to sell enough tickets + Host:
Dionne Warwick. Venue: Marriott Wardman
Park Hotel. Tickets: Legends Ball -
$450 per ticket; Urban Ball - $350 per ticket; Combo (Both Balls)
- $650 per ticket (limited number). Quotable: "The Legends
Ball which will feature entertainment legends and music icons who have
thrilled audiences over time, and The Urban Ball which features some of
entertainment's most popular and successful contemporary
Artists... If you're attending the Legends Ball, then tuxedos,
ball gowns and all of your finery is in order of the day. If
you're attending the Urban Ball, then dress to impress; but
no jeans, no hoodies, no sneakers or ball caps will be
allowed." Be
The Change Inaugural Ball-- merged with
the official
Presidential Inaugural Committee youth
ball which will be at the Washington Hilton Host: MTV and
ServiceNation. Venue:
Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center. Quotable: "...the event
will feature leading artists, celebrities and government officials,
alongside hundreds of young people chosen to attend based off their
demonstrated volunteerism, for live performances and dedications
highlighting the power of America's youth to take action in their
communities. The special event will be televised live and
premiere across all MTV platforms..."
Bytes & Books Inaugural Ball Host: The National Coalition
for Technology in Education and Training (NCTET), a
non-partisan, non-profit organization that promotes and supports the
effective use of technology to improve education and training in
America by acting as a convener, catalyst and resource for relevant and
timely information. Venue:
Folger Shakespeare Library. Tickets: Sponsorship
levels range from $2,500 for 2 tickets to $25,000 for 20 tickets and
other amenities. Quotable: "This black-tie
will feature fine food and beverages, musical entertainment, and a
distinguished list of attendees, including Members of Congress,
administration officials, education leaders, corporate leaders, media,
stakeholders and dignitaries... The Bytes & Books Inaugural
will feature recording artist Ferras... This will be the
inaugural ball for leaders in the nation’s technology and education
communities to honor the swearing-in of America’s new President and
Congress... The 2009 Bytes & Books Inaugural Ball will be the
primary fundraiser to support NCTET’s initiatives."
Change Has
Come Inaugural Ball Host:
The Babyboomer Professionals. Venue:Hilton
Washington Embassy Row. Tickets:
$150. Quotable:
"Enjoy live jazz entertainment, food, dancing and a sophisticated feel
as we celebrate victory."
Creative Coalition's Gala Inaugural Ball+ Host:"The Creative Coalition is
the premier
nonprofit, nonpartisan social and political advocacy organization of
the entertainment industry." Venue:Harman
Center for the Arts in Sidney Harman Hall. Tickets:
Packages range
$10,000 for two standard admissions to the Inaugural Ball to $100,000
for 50 VIP admissions to the Inaugural Ball and 20 admissions to a
pre-Ball VIP Dinner.
Environmental and
Clean Energy Ball Host: The Clean Fuels Foundation. Venue: Sequoia Restaurant in
the Washington Harbor in Georgetown. Tickets:Contact
your environmental and/or clean energy organization for more
information. Quotable: "This event
will help us create a mutually beneficial opportunity to continue to
advance critically important environmental and sustainable energy
Inaugural Celebration Venue: National
Museum of the American Indian. Tickets: $200.
The George Washington
University Inaugural Ball
Host: President
Steven Knapp.
Venue: Omni Shoreham
Tickets: $85 (sold out)
Notes: "The George Washington University Inaugural Ball
will feature live bands, talent from the GW performance community, and
televised Inauguration Day coverage. Additional entertainment is being
planned by a committee of GW students and staff. Cuisine includes
plentiful hors d'oeuvres, sumptuous desserts, and non-alcoholic
and Granite Inaugural Ball Host: South Carolina
Democratic Party and New Hampshire Democratic Party. Venue: Fort Myer Officers'
Club, Arlington, VA. Tickets:
One hundred fifty dollars per ticket. Tickets to the reception,
which include a ticket to the Grits and Granite Ball, are $250 each. Notes:
"The Grits and Granite Ball will be preceded by a Chair's Reception
with prominent political figures from South Carolina and New Hampshire,
including Congressmen Jim Clyburn and John Spratt, US Senator Jeanne
Shaheen and Governor John Lynch."
2009 Heroes Red, White & Blue Inaugural Ball Host: Citizens Helping Heroes,
Inc., a nonpolitical, nonpartisan 501(c)(3). Venue: Warner Theatre. Tickets: Quotable:
"As in 2005, Award Winning Super Producer and Chart-Topping Hit Maker
Nile Rodgers, will produce a three-hour tribute concert for honored
guests, including wounded service members, their families, decorated
American war veterans and VIPs... The evening benefits two military
support organizations: Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS),
and the USO. Every ticket sold enables the organizers to provide a
ticket pro bono to a service member and military families."
Society Inaugural Ball
Host: Hawai'i State
Society of Washington, D.C.. Venue:
Mandarin Oriental Hotel. Tickets:
$200 per ticket (sold out). Quotable:
"The ball will feature Asian-Pacific food, drink, and entertainment..."
Health for All
Blue Diamond Ball Host:
Event Emissary and the Vineeta Foundation. Venue:
Smithsonian Institution National Museum of Natural History Tickets:
$500 general admission; $1,000 VIP. Quotable:
"The Health for All Blue Diamond Ball intends to support Obama’s vision
of change, and secure a prominent place for health on the presidential
Inaugural DC Ball Host: Metropolitan
Police Boys & Girls Clubs. Venue: The Old Post
Pavilion. Tickets: $150. Quotable: "The Ball will
celebrate the Inauguration of America's 44th President, Barack Obama,
in a festive and historic environment. Attendees will take their
place in history while helping to raise funds for the Metropolitan
Police Boys & Girls Clubs, the event's beneficiary. Guests
will be entertained with performances by Washington DC's legendary
Godfather of Go-Go Chuck Brown, enjoy a guest DJ, dancing, and light
Inaugural Luau Host: Inaugural Luau Inc.
"Totally grassroots organization that formed suddenly when a bunch of
friends going to DC for the inauguration were shut out of the Hawaii
Society Ball by scalpers. We're from Hawaii... we just
needed a place to party." Venue:
Hotel Monaco. Tickets:
Regular $250; Premium $500. Quotable:
"Spread a little aloha in DC at the first Inaugural Luau. Experience
authentic ono (delicious) Hawaiian food cooked by Les Tomita, owner and
chef at Da Kitchen on Maui and the music of multiple Hoku Award Winning
band Maunalua. Dress is "aloha formal" -- wear an evening gown and your
prettiest Niihau shells."
Inaugural Peace Ball Host:Busboys and Poets and the
Smithsonian Postal Museum. Venue:Smithsonian Postal Museum. Tickets:$165.00 (includes tax). "More than one thousand tickets to the
black-tie event sold out in less
than 48 hours and more than 500 people are on a waiting list should
additional tickets become available." Quotable:
"We have invited peacemakers from all over
the globe to join us for this special experience. You will be united
with hundreds of friends and allies who believe in, support and work
tirelessly for peace and social justice. Our phenomenal hosts
include to date: Historian Howard Zinn, Comedian Dick Gregory, Mayor
Adrian Fenty, Amy Goodman of Democracy Now, Katrina Vanden Heuvel of
The Nation Magazine, Laura Flanders, Barbara Ehrenreich, Anthony
Arnove, and many more."
The Inaugural Purple
Ball Host:
Venue: Fairmont Hotel. Tickets:Gala $500 per person. Quotable:
"Guests will be surrounded by carefully laid lush purple velvet,
crystals and only the best champagne will be served. A portion of the
proceeds from The Inaugural Purple Ball will benefit the ‘Eracism
Foundation’. As part of the evening, we will be serving a
delicious champagne dinner. We will also be honoring our veterans
and troops."
Out for Equality Host: Human
Rights Campaign.
Venue: Renaissance
Mayflower Hotel. Tickets:
$350 per person before
December 16 and $375 thereafter.
Notes: "The LGBT community commemoration of Barack Obama &
Joe Biden's Inauguration." Featuring entertainment and
appearances by: Melissa Etheridge, Cyndi Lauper, Rufus Wainwright,
Thelma Houston, and others to be announced.
The People's Inaugural
Project Host:
The Stafford Foundation. Venue:JW
Marriott Washington, D.C.. Tickets:People's
Inaugural Ball "The ball will include 1,000 guests and is
designed to formally celebrate the historic and social significance of
this moment in history with Americans from every walk of life. At
least 30 percent of the attendees will be marginalized individuals who
have demonstrated a positive example for us all by living with hope and
creating change in their communities." Youth Ball "The ball will include 300 guests under
18 with adult supervision. At least 30 percent of the attendees
will be marginalized individuals who have demonstrated a positive
example for us all by living with hope and creating change in their
communities." Quotable: "The
People’s Inaugural Project is an investment in the underserved and
distressed people in this country. It is allowing those who would
otherwise never have an opportunity to do so, to come to Washington and
along side of others of various social, cultural, religious and
economic positions to witness and participate in the monumental and
historic Obama Inauguration. We believe that the reverberations of such
an unconditional investment will resonate throughout the country and
for generations to come. This is just one step towards bringing healing
and hope to the land where much despondency and hopelessness prevails." >
The President's Ball Host: Maryland Inaugural Special
Committee, Dr. Louise Johnson, President & CEO. Venue:
Arbor and Beech Ballrooms, Washington Times Building. Tickets:$200.00 before December 31, 2008.
Tickets will increase to $250.00 effective January 1, 2009. A
single VIP ticket is: $300.00. Quotable: "Celebrating the Inauguration with Pazazz."
Inaugural Ball Host: Sikh Community Center Tickets: The "Maharajah"
Package $250; the "Yuvraaj" Package $150. Only 300 tickets will
be sold. Venue: Ascot, I-The
Indian Experience (restaurant on L St, N.W.) Quotable: "WHAT TO WEAR: Sikh Regalia
or Formal Indian."
"We the People"
Presidential Inaugural Gala & Ball, 2009 Host: Chair and Event
Director is Hanne M. Nordlander. Venue: Hyatt Regency
Washington, Regency Ball Room. Quotable:
"...the result of a an initiative by a group of volunteers who worked
as part of the "grass roots movement" supporting Senator Barack Obama's
campaign during the primaries and the Obama / Biden Presidential
campaign. We want to celebrate this historic moment, a milestone in our
history. We want to recognize the hard work and dedication of so many
volunteers across our country. And we want to keep the flame of the
campaign going. To this end, a limited number of
complementary Gala & Ball tickets have been extended
to campaign representatives from across the country. Our youth is
the future of our country, and education is the key to success. We are
therefore donating part of the revenues from this event to 'One laptop
per child' and other charities."
American Ball Host: MetroMix - "your one-stop local
entertainment guide on where to go and what to do in DC, from the
hottest restaurants and bars, to the latest in events, music, movies,
style, and TV." Venue: Westin Washington, DC
City Center. Tickets:
Start at $175 per person. Quotable:
"The All American Inaugural Ball is a toast to American culture
featuring multiple areas of entertainment and attractions – which
represent the diversity, energy and promise of American society.
Tickets are 'all-inclusive', meaning that all food and beverages are
free for event guests. Additionally, guests enjoy a full evening
of amazing entertainment and attractions. There are SIX exciting
and diverse entertainment areas throughout the spectacular, multi-level
party space, featuring FIVE amazing bands and DJs, multiple dance
floors, strolling entertainers and interactive attractions."
Spirit of Hope
Inaugural Ball Host: The Empowerment Network, Amourai Organique and
Point Bird Productions. Venue:
Patterson House Mansion (The Washington Club). Tickets:
Early Bird Single $150; Early Bird Couples $250. Quotable:
"Proceeds will benefit The Empowerment Network's youth enrichment
19 -Alaska State Society:
Luther King Day event hosted by the Alaska Delegation with
performances by Alaska Native dancers and other commemorative
activities. The location will most likely be on the “House Side”
near Congressman Young’s offices. -The Nebraska Society of
Washington, DC: Inaugural
Brunch Reception in the Columbus Club in Union Station. -South Dakota State Society:
Semi-Formal Inauguration
Cocktail Reception at the James Monroe House (20th and Eye Streets). -Pennsylvania Democratic Party:
We Did Celebration!
at the
Washington Plaza Hotel.
January 20 -New York State Society:
Inaugural Parade
at the Willard
Intercontinental Hotel. -Alaska State Society:
All-day open house at Jack Ferguson Associates’ office on the
“Senate Side,” 203 Maryland Ave., NE. The open-house will be place for
Alaskans can come and go as they please in close proximity to the
swearing-in ceremony and parade. (CONFIRMED) Congressman Young has also
reserved space on the “House Side” – 1334 Longworth – providing a
second Alaska option for taking refuge from the usual cold temperatures.