A small group of friends from Richmond, VA, New York and Washington recently began an online dialogue to decide who among the many names being discussed as John McCain's running mate would be the best. Who would make the best vice presidential candidate for the Republican ticket this fall?
After some time, they realized that the best name was not one of the traditional candidates already being touted by the national news media. While acknowledging that they would be supporting a dark horse, the group was unanimous in their belief that by far, Virginia Congressman Eric Cantor would be the best candidate that John McCain could choose as his vice presidential running mate. This website represents the grassroots effort to share this belief with the country.
If voters think about the "checklist" of critical points that John McCain and the Republican party really need in a vice presidential choice this year, several of the names previously bandied about check a few, but not all of the boxes. Eric Cantor checks them all.
Why do thousands of Americans think Eric Cantor is the best person whom John McCain should choose as his running mate?
Eric is a true conservative, known and trusted by the nation's most preeminent conservative leaders. He has a voting record that real conservatives expect. Eric's lifetime vote ratings from the nation's leading conservative organizations - the one's conservative voters trust - are at or near 100% (see details here).
Congressman Cantor is a southerner who knows how to speak to southern voters. He represents the city of Richmond in the critical state of Virginia, a solidly red state that has recently turned purple. Virginia hasn't voted for a Democrat for president in over 40 years, but is at risk of doing so this year. Since 2001, after years of Republican leadership, the governorship, several statewide offices, a U.S. Senate seat and the legislature has slipped into Democratic hands. Virginia's other U.S. Senate seat is open this year, and popular former governor Mark Warner is a heavy favorite this year, likely to turn out droves of Democratic voters in liberal northern Virginia. John McCain cannot win the presidency without winning Virginia. Having Virginia Congressman Eric Cantor on the ticket helps offset that concern.
Rep. Cantor is experienced. Having served nearly of 20 years is the U.S. Congress and Virginia's state legislator. As Chief Deputy Whip for the U.S. House's Republicans, he is one of the party's highest ranking leaders, yet he is only 45-years-old. He is a young, articulate leader, who is one of the Republican Party's most effective communicators. He appears frequently on national television to advocate for conservative policies, but does so in that rare way that makes moderate and independent voters comfortable. John McCain could not find someone more ready than Eric Cantor to help lead this nation.
Eric Cantor is also one of the strongest voices in the U.S. Congress on national defense and homeland security. The only Jewish Republican member of the House of Representatives, Congressman Cantor is staunchly pro-Israel. As someone who has always been a strong supporter of Israel, Cantor has been working against the forces of radical Islam most of his adult life. Cantor is Chairman of the House Terrorism and Unconventional Warfare Taskforce. John McCain is an American hero and no one has better national security credentials. McCain needs a #2 who shares his commitment to victory in Iraq, to a well-funded military and to a strong national defense.
Congressman Cantor is a well-known and deeply respected leader among Jewish voters. Having him on the ticket will help move voters to the Republican ticket in the key swing states of Pennsylvania, Ohio, Missouri, Wisconsin and possibly even New Jersey, all of which have large Jewish populations. He is also an unparalleled fund raiser, which will be critical to the McCain campaign's success.
Eric is a lifelong Richmond, Virginia resident, and his wife Diana until recently ran the state's 529 program that helps Virginia families save for their children's college education. They have three children.
Conservative - and even mainstream - media are more frequently suggesting that Eric Cantor would make a strong choice for McCain's VP. Read the articles for yourself. We're convinced. We think you will agree.
Sign the petition that appears on the top-right of this page. Let John McCain know you want him to consider a strong, conservative, young, articulate leader like Eric Cantor for his running mate.