LETTER from Nevada Republican Party Chairman Sue Lowden  ...also see below PRESS RELEASES from Ron Paul campaign

Saturday, April 26, 2008
Letter to Nevada Delegates
Contact: Zachary Moyle

I would like to thank you and everyone who attended last weekend’s Republican State Convention in Reno.  We had a record turnout and we are pleased that so many Nevada Republicans chose to participate.

Unfortunately, we had to recess the convention without completing all of our work.  This was done due to a rule change that took place early in the morning – which caused the convention process to take far longer than expected.  Over 200 individuals’ names were submitted to the Nominations Committee for consideration to be selected as delegates to the National Convention.  Once voting was opened to the floor, another 187 names were submitted.  Although some names may have been duplicates, our Nevada Republican Party By-Laws allow delegates the opportunity to speak on their own behalf.  Therefore, the process would have lasted well into the evening and perhaps early into Sunday morning.  In addition, individual ballots for those names would have to be printed.  Therefore, it was evident a recess was in the best interest of the State Convention and its attendees.  This was done primarily due to time restraints and the fact that our contract with the Peppermill for the convention hall had expired.   

Aside from delegate selection, I am proud to say that we completed all other convention business.  We passed rules, bylaws, credentials, and adopted a State Platform which we hope all Nevada Republicans can be proud of.  However, delegates still need to be selected to the national convention and we look forward to doing so in the very near future.   

Currently the Nevada Republican Party is working hard to find the best possible way to complete our convention business with the selection of delegates to the National Convention.  We will work from within our existing By-Laws, which state that the remaining business must be conducted in Washoe County.  It is our sincere hope that once we determine the best way to complete our business for the 2008 State Convention, we will have maximum participation and the process will have taken its course in a fair and respectable manner. 

Rest assured that once we determine the process by which we can complete our business, all delegates will be notified directly.  We would like to thank everyone for their patience during this time. 


Sue Lowden

PRESS RELEASES from Ron Paul 2008 Presidential Campaign Committee

Ron Paul Nevada Delegates Voted to National
Convention before Recess 

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                            

April 30, 2008                                                                                        

RENO, NEVADA — The Nevada State Republican Convention was called to an abrupt halt on Saturday, after delegates supporting Texas Congressman and presidential candidate Ron Paul were elected to the 2008 Republican National Convention.  

Prior to the recess, the John McCain campaign asked for and was not granted a recess to meet with their delegates. In response, Convention Chairman Bob Beers unexpectedly announced that the contract on the convention hall had expired and the convention would be reconvened at some future date.  The Ron Paul campaign is confident that the Nevada State Republican Party will ensure that the votes cast by of all of the delegates at the April 26th Nevada State Republican Convention will be respected.

By the time of the recess, voting for three national delegates from Congressional District 1 and from Congressional District 3 apiece had been completed.  Beers himself read off the ballots for Congressional District 1 which resulted in the election of Senator John Ensign, Danny Tarkhenian, and Chris Dyer as national delegates.  Dave Gibbs, member of the Clark County GOP Executive Board who also observed the vote counting, shook Dyer’s hand and congratulated him on his election.  Dyer is a committed Paul supporter.

In Congressional District 3, Ron Paul supporters Arden Osborne, Carl Bunce, and Elizabeth BelCastro were elected, followed by Bruce Woodbury, the County Commissioner for Clark County.  State Senator Barbara Cegavske, a candidate for national delegation in her Congressional District, initialed the credential badges of state delegates as they cast their votes and observed the vote counting.

In Congressional District 2, Congressman Dean Heller was in the lead, followed closely by Paul supporters Robert Terhune, Pat Kerby, and Marla Criss.  When the count was halted, the remaining (approximately 50%) of the uncounted ballots were placed into seven sealed envelopes, signed by supporters of both John McCain and Ron Paul, and deposited in a safe at the Peppermill Casino in Reno.  The Ron Paul campaign obtained Xerox copies of the signatures and drivers licenses of those who signed the sealed envelopes and deposited them in the safe.


Ron Paul Receives Enthusiastic Response at Nevada

State Republican Convention

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                            
April 28, 2008                                                                                         

ARLINGTON, VIRGINIA – Texas Republican Congressman and Presidential Candidate Ron Paul received numerous standing ovations during his speech to a record crowd at the Nevada State Republican Convention in Reno on April 26th.

During his speech, Dr. Paul encouraged the attendees to continue efforts to return the Republican Party to its traditional message of limited government, fiscal responsibility, and protection of personal liberties. He also encouraged his supporters to bring more people into the party. Today, Dr. Paul sent a personal thank-you note to Nevada GOP Chairwoman Sue Lowden expressing thanks for her role in including him in the day’s events.

According to reports, Ron Paul had a large majority of delegates to the Nevada State Republican Convention. Paul came in second place in the January 19th Nevada Republican Presidential Preference Caucus.

Dr. Paul is continuing his bid for the Republican nomination to spread the message of constitutional government and personal freedom, return the GOP to its traditional roots, and continue the grassroots activism his candidacy inspired. To date, he has received nearly one million votes in Republican presidential contests and his campaign believes it will carry 50 delegates or more to the Republican National Convention in Minneapolis. His new book, The Revolution: A Manifesto, launches April 30th.


Anonymous Donor Offers Turn-key Convention to Nevada State GOP 

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                              

May 20, 2008                                                                                                 


RENO, NV—The Ron Paul campaign has learned that apparently an anonymous Republican donor in Washoe County sent a letter to the State Republican GOP Chairwoman Sue Lowden, informing Ms. Lowden that they have booked a room and arranged a turn-key convention at the Grand Sierra Resort in an attempt to help the Nevada Republican Party reconvene the recessed Nevada State GOP convention. 


"The Ron Paul campaign is not responsible in any way for this donation," said Jeff Greenspan, Southwest Regional Coordinator for the Ron Paul campaign. The Ron Paul campaign has learned that the letter offering the use of this facility to Ms. Lowden was sent on Thursday, May 15th.  "We only learned late Thursday afternoon that apparently this letter was sent.  However, from the campaign's perspective, this seems to be a great opportunity to resolve the situation that occurred on April 26th in a satisfactory manner for everyone."


The anonymous donor has reserved the Grand Ballroom at the Grand Sierra Resort on Saturday, June 7th, for the entire day, and is offering the use of the room to the Nevada State GOP.  The room has been equipped to accommodate the needs and requirements of the nearly 1,400 delegates to the State Convention.  The use of this facility will be at no cost to the Party, as a result of this in-kind donation.


The Nevada State Republican Convention was recessed on April 26th.  Ballot counting for national delegates from Congressional Districts 1 and 3 had been completed, but vote counting for Congressional District 2 was still in progress when the convention was recessed.  At-large delegates still needed to be selected, and resolutions have not yet been passed.

