Dear Democratic Presidential Candidate:
Throughout 2005 and 2006, the Democratic National Committee worked diligently to establish a presidential nominating calendar that would ensure victory for the 2008 Democratic Presidential Nominee, preserve the traditional role of retail politics early in the nominating process and to include the socioeconomic and ethnic diversity that makes this Party great.
In 2006, through a fair and open process conducted by the DNC's Rules and Bylaws Committee, Iowa, Nevada, New Hampshire and South Carolina were selected for the "pre-window." The calendar was approved by the full DNC over a year ago. We are in agreement that the states chosen by our party reflect the energy and diversity of our great country and our party.
Recent actions by a few states could dismantle this thoughtful and deliberate effort by the DNC. Presidential campaigns, county chairs, elected officials, activists and the media have reached out and asked for our help in bringing this uncertainty (and potential chaos) to an end. Campaigns need to make major spending decisions. County Chairs need to find precinct locations and precinct chairs. Elected officials need to finalize election logistics. As a party we owe it to these organizations and individuals to conduct a sensible and timely nominating process.
For the good of our party and our candidates, it is our desire to bring finality, predictability and common sense to the nominating calendar. We ask you to accept the attached four state pledge, steeped in established DNC rules, by signing and sending the pledge form by Thursday, September 6, 2007, via email to South Carolina Chairwoman Carol Fowler at Please also mail a hard copy to Chairwoman Fowler at SCDP, PO Box 5965, Columbia, SC 29250.
We appreciate your consideration of this pledge which brings order to the presidential nominating calendar. We look forward to focusing on electing a President, rather than selecting dates. If you or your staff has any questions, please contact any of the four State Party Chairs or Executive Directors.
Thank you,
Senator Tom Harkin
Governor Chet Culver
Chair Scott Brennan, Iowa Dem. Party
Senator Harry Reid
Chair Jill Derby, Nevada State Democratic Party
Chair Ray Buckley, New Hampshire Dem. Party
Congressman Jim Clyburn Chair Carol Fowler, South Carolina Dem. Party
Also on August 31, DNC Chairman Howard Dean sent a letter to each of the Democratic candidates in which gave an overview of the Rules and Bylaws Committee's August 25 meeting and the Florida situation and wrote, "I strongly urge you to do your part and support the actions of the Rules and Bylaws Committee."