People-Sen. Joe Biden (D-DE)
updated September 19, 2006
On June 28, 2005 Sen. Biden
launched Unite Our States PAC to help "elect candidates committed to addressing
the real challenges facing our country at home and abroad by beginning
to unite 'red' and 'blue' states, big cities and small towns, churchgoer
and non-churchgoer, and Americans of all walks of life."
Executive Director |
Danny O'Brien |
(reported here July 19, 2006)
Chief of staff in Biden's Senate office for over three years (announced
March 5, 2003). Served as Sen. Robert Torricelli's chief of staff
and Coordinated Campaign manager from 2001-02. Coordinated campaign
director for McGreevey for Governor (NJ) in 2001. Ran the Gore campaign
in Nevada during the 2000 presidential election. Worked in the Office
of Public Liaison in the Clinton White House. DNC's director of organizing
and training during the 1998 election cycle. Field organizer and
ran successful local and statewide campaigns in a number of states.
During the early 1990s he managed AFL-CIO democracy programs in eight countries
in Latin America and Eastern Europe. Graduate of the University of
the Redlands. Native of Redlands, CA.
Finance Director |
Helen Milby |
Development director for the
Democratic Leadership Council. Worked on Rep. David McCurdy's (D-OK)
unsuccessful 1994 U.S. Senate campaign. Raised money for the Colorado
Endowment for the Humanities for five years. 1987 graduate of Colby
College in Waterville, ME.
Fundraising (splitting
time between Unite our States PAC and Citizens for Biden)
Chris Koerner
(started in August 2006)
Previously at Association of Trial Lawyers of America (ATLA).
Adam Wilczewski
(started in August 2006)
Previously a program director for Community Counselling Service Company,
Inc.. Deputy regional field director at the DNC in Fall 2004.
Worked on the Joe Lieberman for President campaign from March 2003 through
Feb. 2004, serving as chief of staff to the campaign director and as national
youth outreach director. Democratic outreach coordinator at
Inc., 2000-01. J.D. from American University's Washington College
of Law, May 2004. B.A. in Political Science from the University of
Florida at Gainesville, 1999.
Deputy Political Director |
Evan Ryan |
(August 2006) Served as
director of scheduling on Hillary Rodham Clinton's 2000 campaign for the
U.S. Senate. Special assistant to Maggie Williams, Mrs. Clinton's
chief of staff, at the White House. Boston College graduate.
Chairman and CEO of Rasky Baerlein
Strategic Communications; launched his own company in 1989. Special
Assistant for Policy and Communications for Congressman Ed Markey and the
House Subcommittee on Telecommunications and Finance. Press secretary
for Sen. Joseph Biden; director of communications for Biden's 1988 [1987]
presidential campaign. Director of Public Affairs for Cablevision
Systems Corporation in Boston.
Director of Online Communications
(also referred to Executive Producer of Web Content) for Wesley Clark's
campaign. Oversaw all editorial aspects of the site and co-headed
the product development team that created such tools as eBlocks, Clark
Community Network, Clark Recruiters, and the Clark Event Finder).
Carbone co-founded the Real Fans Sports Network, an interactive sports
information and community, in 1995. America Online acquired the company
in 1997 and Carbone continued to work there.
(splitting time between Senate office and PAC) |
Mark Doyle |
Chief of Staff |
Alan Hoffman |
(July 2006) Hoffman served
a previous stint as Biden's chief of staff from 1998-2003. Vice president
of external affairs for the Rand Corporation starting Oct. 4, 2004.
Vice president of the government relations firm of Timmons and Company
in Washington, DC, starting in 2003. Prior to serving as Biden's
chief of staff, Hoffman was an assistant U.S. attorney in Philadelphia,
a special counsel in the U.S. Justice Department, a special assistant in
the Department of Health and Human Services, director of scheduling for
the President’s Task Force on National Health Care Reform, and an attorney
in Los Angeles with the law firm of Pepper, Hamilton & Sheetz.
Law degree and a master’s degree in public administration from the University
of Southern California. Undergraduate degree from Lafayette College.
Copyright © 2006
Eric M. Appleman/Democracy in Action |