Presidential Campaign Literature
With assistance from Mike
Dec, 4president.org With advent of the Internet, campaigns
can refer people to their websites for detailed information on the candidate
and his or her positions, thereby saving on printing costs.
Instead of a fancy tri-fold, four-color brochure, a palm card or even a
simple flyer may do the job. Brochures are not obsolete however;
a campaign may want to produce a nice glossy brochure for a special event
like the candidate's announcement tour or a big meeting of party activists.
Print pieces are not the only way to reach voters. In past cycles
campaigns sent out videotapes, and they are now sending out CDs or DVD's.
The week of March 5, 2007, the Edwards campaign sent a DVD to more than
70,000 Iowa households detailing Edwards’ plan for universal health care.
Here are examples of lit. pieces from early 2007.